Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Varsha
Class and Section:B.sc Medical II Sem
Subject: Botany
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 General charac, classification of Bryophyta, alternation of generation
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Economic Imporatnace
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Salient feature of Hepaticopsida
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Marchantia-Morphology
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Marchantia-Internal structure of Thallus
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Asexual Reproduction in Marchantia
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Gametophyte of Marchantia Summary
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Sexual Reproduction
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Sporophyte
Friday 12-Jan-18 Life cycle in sum of Marchantia
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Anthoceropsida salient features
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Anthoceros-Morphology
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Reproduction
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Sporophyte and life cycle of Anthoceros
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Bryopsida:- salient features
Friday 19-Jan-18 Funaria: Introduction
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Morphology of Funaria
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Sporophyte and life cycle of funaria
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Pteridophytes: Introduction and character features
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Classification, life cycle, stellar system
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Psilopsida:- salient features
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Rhynia-Introduction and Morphology life cycle
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Varsha
Class and Section:B.sc Medical II Sem
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Lycopsida:salient features
Friday 02-Feb-18 Selaginella-Introdction
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Selaginella-morphology
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Selaginella-Asexual Reproduction
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Selaginells-Sexual Reproduction
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Sphenopsida-salient features
Thursday 08-Feb-18 equisetum-characterestics and Morphology
Friday 09-Feb-18 Equisetum-Anatomy
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Equisetum reproduction by spores
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Equisetum reproductuion by gametophytes
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Equisetum life cycle
Friday 16-Feb-18 Ptripsida- salient features
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Pteris-general characters
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Pteris-External features
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Pteris-Internal structures
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Pteris- Reproduction Sporophytic
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Pteris- Reproduction Gametophytic
Friday 23-Feb-18 Pteris- Life cycle
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Assignment Distribution
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Unit test-1
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 DNA as genetic material-Introduction
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 Kuk Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Varsha
Class and Section:B.sc Medical II Sem
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Study experiments to prove dNA as genetic material
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Molecular structure of DNA
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Types of DNA
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Properties and double helix structure of DNA
Friday 09-Mar-18 DNA-Protein interaction, Nucleosome
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Replication of DNA-I
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Replication of DNA-II
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Genetic code, Satelite and repetitive DNA
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Genetic Inheritance:Introduction
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Mendel’s Laws of inheritence
Friday 16-Mar-18 Experiments Performed by Mendel
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Importance of Mendelism and deviations
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Linkage analysis
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Chromosomal Theory of Linkage
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Aspects of plant tissue culture
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Non-Allelic interaction, Polygenes
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Codominance, Lethal genes
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Mutations-Introduction
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Spontaneous and Induced type, Mutagens
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Transposons
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 DNA damage and Repair
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Types of RNA
31-Mar-18 Ribosomes
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Varsha
Class and Section:B.sc Medical II Sem
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Modern concept of Gene
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 transcription-1
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Transcription-2
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Translation-1
Friday 06-Apr-18 Translation-2
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Lac-operon system
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Regulation in Eukaryotes-1
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Regulation in Eukaryotes-2
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Proteins: Introduction
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Protein structure
Friday 13-Apr-18 classification
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Primary structure
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Secondary structure
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Extra nuclear inheritance: Introduction
Friday 20-Apr-18 Mitochondrial DNA
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Plastid:DNA
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Plasmid
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 assignments/Seminar
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Seminar
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Seminar
Friday 27-Apr-18 Seminar
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Seminar
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Varsha
Class and Section:B.Sc Medical IV Sem
Subject: Botany
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Flower: Introduction
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Types of flower, Parts of flower
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Functions of various parts fo flower
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Modifications in some cases
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Miccrosporangium:Introduction
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Types of Anther
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 structure of Microsporangium
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Dehisence Mechanism
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Microsporangenesis, Pollen grain structure
Friday 12-Jan-18 Pollen grain germination, Pollination
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Self-Incompatibility
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Male gametophyte
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Structure of Ovule, types of Ovule
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Megasporogenesis
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Female gametophyte-Introduction
Friday 19-Jan-18 Mono,bi, Tetrasporic female gametophyte
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Double fertilization
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 endosperm-Introduction
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Types and function of endosperm
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Embryogenesis in Dicot
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Embryogenesis in Monocot
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Polyembyony
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Varsha
Class and Section:B.Sc Medical VI Sem
Subject: Botany
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Rice -origin
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Rice-Botanical discription, cultivation, uses
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Wheat-Origin
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Wheat-Botanical discription, cultivation uses
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Maize-Origin
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Maize -Botanical discription, cultivation, uses
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Gram-origin
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Gram-Botanical discription, cultivation uses
Thursday 11-Jan-18 arhar-origin
Friday 12-Jan-18 Arhar-Botanical discription, cultivation uses
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Pea-origin, Botancial discription, uses
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Potato
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Tomato
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Onion
Thursday 18-Jan-18 cotton
Friday 19-Jan-18 Jute
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Flax
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Groundnut
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Mustard
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Coconut
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Corinder
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Ferula
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Miss Poonam Singh
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18
Thursday 04-Jan-18
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18
Tuesday 09-Jan-18
Wednesday 10-Jan-18
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Nomen Clature of Alkene, Mechanisms of Dehydration of Alchohol
Friday 12-Jan-18 Dehydrohelogenation of Alkyl Halide
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Saytzeff Rule, Hoffmann Elimination
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18
Tuesday 16-Jan-18
Wednesday 17-Jan-18
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Physical properties and relative stability of alkene
Friday 19-Jan-18 Chemical reaction of alkene, Mechanism involved in hydrogenation
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Elecrtophilic and free radical acids
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Markownikoff’s Rule and hydroboration-oxidation
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Oxymercuration-Reduction, Ozonolysis, Hydration,Oxidation
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18
Tuesday 30-Jan-18
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Miss Poonam Singh
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Test
Friday 02-Feb-18 Nomenclature of Benzene Derivative, Aromaticity
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Huckel Rule, Arowmatic Ions
Monday 05-Feb-18
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18
Wednesday 07-Feb-18
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Annulenes upto 10 Carbon atoms
Friday 09-Feb-18 Aromatic, Anti aromatic, Non Aromatics
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Test/Aromatic Elctrophilic substitutions
Friday 16-Feb-18 Energy Profile diagrams, Friedal Craft Reaction
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Activated, Deactivated Substituents and Orientation
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18
Tuesday 20-Feb-18
Wednesday 21-Feb-18
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Test
Friday 23-Feb-18 nomenclature and classification of dienes,their types
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Structure of butadiene 1,2 & 1,4-addition Reactions
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18
Tuesday 27-Feb-18
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Miss Poonam Singh
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18
Tuesday 06-Mar-18
Wednesday 07-Mar-18
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Diels Alder Reaction, Nomenclature Stucture & Bonding
Friday 09-Mar-18 Methods,Chemical reactions of Alkynes
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Acidity of Alkynes
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18
Tuesday 13-Mar-18
Wednesday 14-Mar-18
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Mechanism of Electrophilic & Nucleophilic addition reaction
Friday 16-Mar-18 Hydroboration of Alkynes
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Test
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18
Tuesday 20-Mar-18
Wednesday 21-Mar-18
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Nomenclature & Classes of Alkyl Halide
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Method of Formation, Chemical Reactions
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18
Tuesday 27-Mar-18
Wednesday 28-Mar-18
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Mechanism and Stereochemistry of Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction
Saturday 31-Mar-18 SN2 & SN1 Reactions with energy profile diagram
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Miss Poonam Singh
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18
Tuesday 03-Apr-18
Wednesday 04-Apr-18
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Methdos of Formation & Reaction of Aryl Halide
Friday 06-Apr-18 Addition Elimination Reactions
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Elimination Addition Reaction, Mechanism  of Nucleophillic reactions
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18
Tuesday 10-Apr-18
Wednesday 11-Apr-18
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Relative Reactivities of Alkyl Halides, Vinyl, ArylHalides
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Poonam
Class and Section:B.Sc – IV Sem
Subject: Chemistry (Physical )
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18
Thursday 04-Jan-18
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Second law of themodynamic, need of law ,different statmint
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Cyclic process,Carnot cycles &its efficiency
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Carnot therom . Theme dyanmic scale of temp.
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Entrpoy
Friday 12-Jan-18
Saturday 13-Jan-18
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Entropy as a state function ,entropy change
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 clauwisus in equlity ,significance ,entropy change
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 entropy as a function of variable (V,P&T)
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Entropy change on mixing of ideal gas
Friday 19-Jan-18
Saturday 20-Jan-18
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Test
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Third law of thermodinamice , work function , gibbs free energy
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Variation of work fumction & gibbs free enegy
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Poonam
Class and Section:B.Sc – IV Sem
Subject: Chemistry (Physical )
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18
Friday 02-Feb-18
Saturday 03-Feb-18
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Critreia for themodyanmic eq. & oprntanity for a process
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Maxwells relation & gibbs HelmHoltz equation
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Application of gibbs Helmholtz eqution , Mernst heat therom.
Thursday 08-Feb-18
Friday 09-Feb-18
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Tird law of thermodynamics &their application
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Exception of third law of thermodynamics residule entropy.
Thursday 15-Feb-18
Friday 16-Feb-18
Saturday 17-Feb-18
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Test
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Electrochemical cell , Daniell cell , electrolyte , diffrence btween electrode potential
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Represention of an electrochemical cell , electrode potential &E.m.f
Thursday 22-Feb-18
Friday 23-Feb-18
Saturday 24-Feb-18
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Standard cell , reversible &irrevusible cells.
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Reversible electrodes.(different type)
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Poonam
Class and Section:B.Sc – IV Sem
Subject: Chemistry (Physical )
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Standered electrods potential , determinal ,electrochemical series
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Relation ship btween Electrical energyand gibbs energy
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Nernest eqution for E.M.F of cell & application
Thursday 08-Mar-18
Friday 09-Mar-18
Saturday 10-Mar-18
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Concentration cell and their types (with or without)
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Liquid function potential &its measurnement
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Potentiometric ilration &their types
Thursday 15-Mar-18
Friday 16-Mar-18
Saturday 17-Mar-18
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Tom up of electrochemistry
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Test half electro chemistry
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Test full electro chemistry
Thursday 22-Mar-18
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Revision of 2nd thermodynamic.
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Do
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Do
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18
Saturday 31-Mar-18
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Poonam
Class and Section:B.Sc – IV Sem
Subject: Chemistry (Physical )
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Test of 2nd thermodyanamic
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Revision of 3rd thermodyanmic
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Do
Thursday 05-Apr-18
Friday 06-Apr-18
Saturday 07-Apr-18
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test of 2nd thermodyanamic
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Revision electrochemistry
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Do
Thursday 12-Apr-18
Friday 13-Apr-18
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre- university exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18
Friday 20-Apr-18
Saturday 21-Apr-18
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: MS. POONAM SINGH
Class and Section:B.SC. IV SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18
Thursday 04-Jan-18
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18
Tuesday 09-Jan-18
Wednesday 10-Jan-18
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Chemistry of Lanthenides(Genral Characteristics)
Friday 12-Jan-18 Physical Properties of Lanthenides
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Lanthanoids Contractions & their causes & consequences
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18
Tuesday 16-Jan-18
Wednesday 17-Jan-18
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Occurrence of Lanthanoids, Isolation of Lanthanoids
Friday 19-Jan-18 Methods of separation into individual elements
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Lanthanide Compounds, Uses
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Test
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Chemistry of Actinides, General Characteristics
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18
Tuesday 30-Jan-18
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: MS. POONAM SINGH
Class and Section:B.SC. IV SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Physical Properties of Actinides
Friday 02-Feb-18 Actinides Contraction & Compound of Actinides
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Occurrence of Actinides & isolation
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18
Wednesday 07-Feb-18
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Chemistry of separation of Neptunium, Plutonium Americian etc.
Friday 09-Feb-18 Comparison os Actinides & Lanthanides
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Uses as a Nuclear Fuels, TransUranium Element
Friday 16-Feb-18 Test(disscussion)
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Test
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18
Tuesday 20-Feb-18
Wednesday 21-Feb-18
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Analytical Chemistry & their types, Basic principle
Friday 23-Feb-18 Concept of solubility, Relation b/w solubility & product application
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Common can effect, types of Qualitative Analysis
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18
Tuesday 27-Feb-18
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: MS. POONAM SINGH
Class and Section:B.SC. IV SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18
Tuesday 06-Mar-18
Wednesday 07-Mar-18
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Analysis of Inorganic Mixture(Basic Radicals)
Friday 09-Mar-18 Identification of Cations
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Interferring radical & their removal
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18
Tuesday 13-Mar-18
Wednesday 14-Mar-18
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Determination of Anions
Friday 16-Mar-18 Test for Acid Radicals
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Test for Acid Radicals
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18
Tuesday 20-Mar-18
Wednesday 21-Mar-18
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Gravimetric Analysis, Precipitations, Theory
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Factors Effecting Solubility of precipitate, Particle size of participitate
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18
Tuesday 27-Mar-18
Wednesday 28-Mar-18
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Formulation of Precipitates, Contamination of Precipitate
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Digestion of the Precipitates, Precautions
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: MS. POONAM SINGH
Class and Section:B.SC. IV SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18
Tuesday 03-Apr-18
Wednesday 04-Apr-18
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Test of Half Chapter
Friday 06-Apr-18 Test of Half Chapter
Saturday 07-Apr-18
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18
Tuesday 10-Apr-18
Wednesday 11-Apr-18
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Test of Lanthanides
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test of Actinides
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Acidity of alpha hydrogen, alkylation of diethyl malonate
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Alkylation of ethyl acetoacetate
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18
Tuesday 09-Jan-18
Wednesday 10-Jan-18
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Claisen condensation, Keto-enol tautomerism
Friday 12-Jan-18 Revision
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Test
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18
Tuesday 16-Jan-18
Wednesday 17-Jan-18
Thursday 18-Jan-18 M.O of pyrrole, furan and thiophene, pyridine
Friday 19-Jan-18 Synthesis of pyrrole by electrophilic substitution
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Synthesis of furan
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Synthesis of thiophene
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Synthesis of pyridine
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18
Tuesday 30-Jan-18
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Nucleophilic subs. In pyridine, comparison of basicity
Friday 02-Feb-18 Introduction of 5 and 6 member heterocycles, Indole preparation
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Preparation of quinoline, Skraup synthesis with mechanism
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18
Wednesday 07-Feb-18
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Preparation of isoquinoline, Bischler synthesis with mechanism
Friday 09-Feb-18 Electrophilic substituition mech in quinoline and isoquinoline
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Test
Friday 16-Feb-18 Classification of amino acids
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Acid base behaviour
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18
Tuesday 20-Feb-18
Wednesday 21-Feb-18
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Isoelectronic point  and electrophoresis
Friday 23-Feb-18 Preparation of amino acid
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Preparation of amino acid
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18
Tuesday 27-Feb-18
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18
Tuesday 06-Mar-18
Wednesday 07-Mar-18
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Structure and nomenclature of peptide
Friday 09-Mar-18 Peptide structure determination, End gp hydrolysis
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Selective hydrolysis, classification peptide synthesis
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18
Tuesday 13-Mar-18
Wednesday 14-Mar-18
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Solid phase synthesis, classification of protein
Friday 16-Mar-18 Peptide synthesis, protein
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Structure of peptide, protein
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18
Tuesday 20-Mar-18
Wednesday 21-Mar-18
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Test
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Introduction to polymerisation, addition polymerisation
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18
Tuesday 27-Mar-18
Wednesday 28-Mar-18
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Free radical vinyl polymerisation, ionic polymerisation
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Ziggler-Natta polymerisation, vinyl polymers
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Organic Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18
Tuesday 03-Apr-18
Wednesday 04-Apr-18
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Step growth polymerisation
Friday 06-Apr-18 Polyesters, polyamides, phenol formaldehyde resins
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Natural and synthetic rubbers
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18
Tuesday 10-Apr-18
Wednesday 11-Apr-18
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Test
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Physical Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Need for statistical mechanics, thermodynamic probability
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Maxwell boltzmann law, Born-Openheimer
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Partition function and its physical significance, factorisation
Thursday 04-Jan-18
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Test
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Introduction of photochemistry
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Interaction of radiation with matter,diff between thermal and photo process
Thursday 11-Jan-18
Friday 12-Jan-18
Saturday 13-Jan-18
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Grothus Draper law, Stark Einstein law
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Jablonski diagram
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Qualitative description of fluorescence
Thursday 18-Jan-18
Friday 19-Jan-18
Saturday 20-Jan-18
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Qualitative description of phosphorescence
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Non radiative process (IC and ISC)
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Non radiative process
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Physical Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18
Friday 02-Feb-18
Saturday 03-Feb-18
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Quantum yield
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Quantum yield
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Photosensitized reaction
Thursday 08-Feb-18
Friday 09-Feb-18
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Test
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Ideal and non- ideal solutions
Thursday 15-Feb-18
Friday 16-Feb-18
Saturday 17-Feb-18
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Methods of expressing concentration of solution
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Dilute solution, Raoults law
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Raoults law
Thursday 22-Feb-18
Friday 23-Feb-18
Saturday 24-Feb-18
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Relative lowering of vapour pressure
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Relative lowering of vapour pressure
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Physical Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Elevation in boiling point
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Elevation in boiling point
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Depression in freezing point
Thursday 08-Mar-18
Friday 09-Mar-18
Saturday 10-Mar-18
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Depression in freezing point
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Osmotic pressure
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Osmotic pressure
Thursday 15-Mar-18
Friday 16-Mar-18
Saturday 17-Mar-18
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Relation between solute and b.p and freezing point
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Application in calculating molar mass
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Test
Thursday 22-Mar-18
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Introduction of phase equilibrium
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Meaning of phase, component, degree of freedom
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Gibbs phase rule
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18
Saturday 31-Mar-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Babita
Class and Section: B.Sc VI Sem
Subject: Physical Chemistry
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Phase equilibrium of 1-component- water system
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 For two component system
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Pb-Ag system
Thursday 05-Apr-18
Friday 06-Apr-18
Saturday 07-Apr-18
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Desilverisation of lead
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Test
Thursday 12-Apr-18
Friday 13-Apr-18
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre semester exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Object Oriented Programming in C++
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Object Oriented Programming, Differecnce between OOP and Procedural Programing
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Basic Concepts of OOP(Class, Object, Data Abstarction and Encapsulation)
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18
Tuesday 09-Jan-18
Wednesday 10-Jan-18
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding and Message Passing
Friday 12-Jan-18 Benefits of OOP, Introduction to C++, Comments
Saturday 13-Jan-18  Input Operator, Output Operator, Iostream File, Example of C++ Program
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18
Tuesday 16-Jan-18
Wednesday 17-Jan-18
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Test
Friday 19-Jan-18 Structure of C++ program, Tokens , Keywords, Identifires and Constants
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Basic Data Types, Derived Data types, Variable Declaration, Dynamic Initialization of Variable
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Refernce Variable, Scope Resolution operator, Functions
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Structure,Structure Limitation, Specifying a Class, Creating Objects
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18
Tuesday 30-Jan-18
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Object Oriented Programming with C++
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Accessing Class Members, Defining Member Function
Friday 02-Feb-18 Outside and Inside the Class Definition, Program Making an Outside Function Inline
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Nesting of Member Functions, Private Member Functions, Array with in Class
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18
Wednesday 07-Feb-18
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Test
Friday 09-Feb-18 Memory Allocation for Objects, Array of Objects,Static Data Members and Member Function, Accessing Members of Class and Structure
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Friend Function, Friend Class
Friday 16-Feb-18  Constructor, Intialization using Constructor, Default Constructor
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Parameterized Constructor,Copy Constructor
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18
Tuesday 20-Feb-18
Wednesday 21-Feb-18
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Default Values to Parameters, Destructor
Friday 23-Feb-18 Console I/O,: Hierarchy of Console Stream Classes, Unformatted and Formatted I/O Operations
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Manipulators, Passing and Returning Objects to Functions
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18
Tuesday 27-Feb-18
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Object Oriented Programming with C++
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18
Tuesday 06-Mar-18
Wednesday 07-Mar-18
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Test
Friday 09-Mar-18 String Handling in C++
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Dynamic Memory Management, Pointers
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18
Tuesday 13-Mar-18
Wednesday 14-Mar-18
Thursday 15-Mar-18 New, Delete Operator, Array of Pointers to Objects
Friday 16-Mar-18 This Pointer, Passing Parameters to Functions by Reference & Pointers
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Static Polymorphism, Operators in C++
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18
Tuesday 20-Mar-18
Wednesday 21-Mar-18
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Test
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18  Precedence & Associativity Rules
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18
Tuesday 27-Mar-18
Wednesday 28-Mar-18
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Operator Overloading,  Overloading Unary Operator
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Overloading Binary Operator
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Object Oriented Programming with C++
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18
Tuesday 03-Apr-18
Wednesday 04-Apr-18
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Test
Friday 06-Apr-18 Overloading Unary and Binary operator Using Friend Function
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Inline Function, Function Overloading
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18
Tuesday 10-Apr-18
Wednesday 11-Apr-18
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Merits and Demerits of Static Polymorhism
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 27-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Revision
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject: Computer Network
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Unguided Media(Radio Transmission, Microwave, Satellite, Infrared), Wired Vs Wireless Network
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Stop and Wait Protocol, Sliding Window Protocols
Thursday 08-Mar-18
Friday 09-Mar-18
Saturday 10-Mar-18
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Error Control, Error Detection Techniques
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Error Correction Techniques
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 MAC, AlOHA, CSMA-CD
Thursday 15-Mar-18
Friday 16-Mar-18
Saturday 17-Mar-18
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Token Passing, Collision Free Protocols
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Introduction to LAN Technologies, Standards, Ethernet
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Bridged Etehrnet, Switched Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
Thursday 22-Mar-18
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Token Ring
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Introduction to Wireless LAN and Bluetooth
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18
Saturday 31-Mar-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject: Computer Network
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Routing Algorithms, Flooding, Shortest Path Routing
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Distance Vector Routing, Link Sate Routing
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Hierarchical Routing, Congestion Control(Traffic Shaping, Choke Packets, Load Shedding)
Thursday 05-Apr-18
Friday 06-Apr-18
Saturday 07-Apr-18
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Netwrok Security, Issues, Security Threats and Attacks,
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Encryption Methods, Firewall and Digital Signature, DNS, E-mail and WWW
Thursday 12-Apr-18
Friday 13-Apr-18
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 27-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Revision
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: M.Com. IV Sem
Subject: IT & E-Commerce
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Introduction to E-Commerce
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Introduction & Features to E-Commerce, E-Commerce Vs Traditional Business
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Pure Vs. Partial E-Commerce,Benefits and limitations of E-Commerce
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18
Tuesday 09-Jan-18
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Frame work of E-Commerce,Business Application of E-Commerce
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Architectural Frame work of E-Commerce
Friday 12-Jan-18 Business models -B2C,B2B,C2C,C2BB2G,G2B,G2C
Saturday 13-Jan-18 E-Shops(Introduction,advantages,Disadvantages)
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18
Tuesday 16-Jan-18
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Test
Thursday 18-Jan-18 E-Procurement(Steps, Advantages), E-Auctions
Friday 19-Jan-18 Online Fund Transfer and Online Share Market Opeartions
Saturday 20-Jan-18 E-Banking(Operations and advantages), RTGS(Process and advantages)
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Brokerage Model, Value Chain Integrators, Collaboration Platform, Telecommunication
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Electronics Payment System(Features, Types of EPS)
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18
Tuesday 30-Jan-18
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: M.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Fortran
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Format Description for Numerical Data, Read Statement, Print Statement
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Multi Record Formats, Printing Character Strings, Generalized I/O Statements
Thursday 08-Mar-18
Friday 09-Mar-18
Saturday 10-Mar-18
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Character Data Type, Manipulating Strings
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Comparing Character Strings, Examples
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Procedures with Array Arguments
Thursday 15-Mar-18
Friday 16-Mar-18
Saturday 17-Mar-18
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Procedure With Multidimensional Arrays
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Defining Derived Data Types,Using Derived Types
Thursday 22-Mar-18
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Using Derived Types in Procedures and Array
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Processing Files, Creating a File
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Searching a File, Updating a File
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18
Saturday 31-Mar-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Meera Kapoor
Class and Section: M.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Fortran
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Direcrt Access Files(Defining, Creating and Updating)
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Pointer
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Uses Of Modules
Thursday 05-Apr-18
Friday 06-Apr-18
Saturday 07-Apr-18
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Features of Fortran 90
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Features of Fortran 95
Thursday 12-Apr-18
Friday 13-Apr-18
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-Semester Exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Nisha Garg
Class and Section:B.Sc. IV Sem.
Subject:Operating System
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introduction of operating system
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Architecture,
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Functions,
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Characterstics.
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Tutorial class
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Process concepts
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Process states
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Process control Block,
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Process operations.
Friday 12-Jan-18 Inter Process communication
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Tutorial class
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Inter Process communication,
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Process Scheduling
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 CPU Scheduling Introduction
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Scheduling criteria
Friday 19-Jan-18 Levels of Schduling
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Scheduling Algorithm
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 class test
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Multiple Process Schduling
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Process Scheduling Introduction
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Deadlock:characterization,
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Method of Handling
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Nisha Garg
Class and Section:B.Sc VI Sem
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 view,Delete, and Join table
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Concatenating data from Table
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Tutorial class
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Class test
Friday 09-Mar-18 Specifying Constraints in SQL
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Primary and foreign key
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Unique key
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Check Constraints
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Function in SQL
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Class test
Friday 16-Mar-18 Introduction to PL/SQL
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Advantages of PL/SQL
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 The Generic PL/SQL
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 PL/SQL Execution Environment
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Cont.
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Cont.
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 PL/SQL Character set and Data types
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 cont.
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Declaration of Variables
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Assignment of variable
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Tutorial class
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Class test
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Nisha Garg
Class and Section:B.Sc VI Sem
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 control Structure in PL/SQL
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Conditional Control
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Iterative Control
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Sequential Control
Friday 06-Apr-18 Cont.
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Tutorial class
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Class test
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 SQL Program Execution
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Repeating in Normalization
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Class test
Friday 13-Apr-18 Class test
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Do
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Do
Friday 20-Apr-18 Do
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Do
22-Apr-18 Do
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Do
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Do
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Do
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Do
Friday 27-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Revision
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Nisha Garg
Class and Section:B.Com II Sem
Subject: Information Technology and Business
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Overvie of IT
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Concept of Data
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Information System
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Types of Information System
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Computer Based Information system
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 CBIS types
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Cont…
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Cont…
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Tutorial Class
Friday 12-Jan-18 Impact of information System
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Information technology on Business
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Cont.
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Business Data Processing
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 cont.
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Intra-Organisational Communication
Friday 19-Jan-18 Inter-Organizational Communication by IT
Saturday 20-Jan-18 cont..
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 tutorial Class
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Business Process and Knowledge Process outsourcing
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Cont.
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 cont.
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Transaction processing system
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section: B.A II Sem
Subject: Micro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Meaning of market and feature
Tuesday 02-Jan-18  market structure: perfect comepetion, monopoly , monopolistic competion
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Feature of Perfect competion market and monopoly
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Feature of monopolistc competion market and oligopoly
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Difference between various market structure
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Test: market struture
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Charcterstics of perfect competion
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 price determination under perfect competion
Thursday 11-Jan-18 time element : difference in market price and normal price
Friday 12-Jan-18 equlibrium in perfect competion of a firm: TC and TR approach
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Marginal approach: MR and MC
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Shortrun equlibrium of firm
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Longrun equlibrium of firm
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Test: Perfect competion
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Monopoly: features and causes
Friday 19-Jan-18 equlibrium in monopoly: TC and TR approach
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Marginal approach: MR and MC
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Test: monopoly equlibrium
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 supply curve in monopoly
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 difference between perfect competion and monopoly
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 price discrimination
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 equlibrium under price discrimination
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor:
Class and Section: B.A II Sem
Subject: Micro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Dumping
Friday 02-Feb-18 Determination of monopoly power
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Monopolistic competion
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Prouct differentiation and equlibrium
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 equlibrium under monopolistic competion
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Excuss capacity, non -price competion
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Selling cost and firm equlibrium
Friday 09-Feb-18 Difference between monopolistic competion and perfect competion
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Difference between monopolistic competion and monopoly
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Test: monopolistic competion
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Oligopoly:features and causes
Friday 16-Feb-18 Classical model of oligopoly
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Price determination under non-collusive oligopoly
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Collusive oligopoly
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Price  leadership
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Test: oligopoly
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Distribution : meaning
Friday 23-Feb-18 Theory of factor pricing
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Productivity of factors: MPP, MRP and VMP
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Marginal productivity theory of distribution
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Determination of factor pricing under perfect competion
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section:B,A II Sem
Micro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Determination of factor pricing under imperfect competion
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 test: factor pricing theory
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 wage: factors determining wages
Thursday 08-Mar-18 marginal productivity theory of wages
Friday 09-Mar-18 differences in wage rates
Saturday 10-Mar-18 differences in wage rates between men and woman
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 test: wage
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Rent: meaning and types
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Ricardian theory of rent
Thursday 15-Mar-18 quasi rent
Friday 16-Mar-18 similarities and difference between rent and quasi rent
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Test: Ricardian theory of rent
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Test: quasi rent
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Interest: meaning
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Difference between net and gross interest
Thursday 22-Mar-18 causes of differences in the rates of interest
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Test: interest rate
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Determination of interest rate
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Classical theory of interest
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 criticism of classical theory
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 test: classical theory
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Neo-classical theory of interest
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
B.A II Sem
Subject:Micro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Neo-classical theory of interest: evaluation
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Test: Neo-classical theory of interest
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Difference between classical and neo-classical theory
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Case study practice
Friday 06-Apr-18 Case study practice
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Case study practice
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test: case study
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Case study practice
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Case study practice
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Test: Case study
Friday 13-Apr-18 Case study practice
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18
Friday 20-Apr-18
Saturday 21-Apr-18
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor:  Pinki
Class and Section:B.A IV Sem.
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Concept of investment multiplies
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Relationship b/w MPC and multiplier
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Working of the multiplier
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Simple multiple model : forward and backword
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Dynamic concept of multiplier
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Test : multiplier
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Characters , limitations of multiplier
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Importance of multiplier in UPC’s
Thursday 11-Jan-18  criticism of multiplier
Friday 12-Jan-18 Principle of acceleration
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Test
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Super multiplier
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Differnce b/w acceleration and multiplier
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Significance of acceleration
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Test ; acceleration
Friday 19-Jan-18 Introduction demand for money
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Different views on demand for  money
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchmi
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Factor affecting the demand for money
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chottu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Barter system and its diffiuculties
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Functions of money
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Significance or advantage of money
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Disadvantage of money
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas Jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section : B.A IV Sem.
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Significance of money in capitalist economy
Friday 02-Feb-18 Significance of money in planned economy
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Significance in a mixed economy
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Test : significance of money
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Quantity theory of money
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Fisher’s theory of money
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Cash balance or combridge theory of money
Friday 09-Feb-18 Criticism of quantity theory of money
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Sarswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 TEST : Quantity theory of money
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Liquidity prefrence theory of money
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Test: liquidity prefrence theory
Friday 16-Feb-18 Money supply : meaning
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Determinants of money supply
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Money multiplier
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 High powered money
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Money supply measure in india
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Test : Money multiplier
Friday 23-Feb-18 Inflation: meaning
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Types of inflation
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Demand full inflation
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Cost push inflation
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 Kuk holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section : B.A IV Sem.
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 Kuk Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Causes of inflation
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Effect of inflation
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 test
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Inflation unemployment trade – off Phillips curve
Friday 09-Mar-18 Measures to control inflation
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Test : Phillips curve
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Test : cost push and demmand pull theories
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Classical theory of inflation
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 The classical dichotomy
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Neutrality of money
Friday 16-Mar-18 Money supply and price level
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Infation fallancy ,social cost of inflation
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Cost of perfectly anticipate inflation
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Cost of  imperfectly anticipated inflation
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Inflation unemployment trade – off
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Test of classical theory of inflation
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi diwas of bhagat singh rajguru and sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Test of cost of impufeetly anticipated
25-Mar-18 Suday and Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Meaning of trade cycle
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Types and phases of inflation
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Keynesian view of trade cycles
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mhavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Samueleson theory of trade cycles
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Hicks theory of trade cycles
31-Mar-18 Method to control trade cycle
Lesson Plan
Name of Assistant / Associate professor : Pinki
Class and Section:B.A IV Sem.
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18  Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Test theories of trade cycles
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Meaning of rate of interest
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Classical theory of interest
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Keynesian theory of interest
Friday 06-Apr-18 Difference b/w keynesian and classical
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Theory of intrest
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test ; classical and keynesian theories
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Case studies practice
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Do
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Do
Friday 13-Apr-18 Do
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr. ambedkar jayanti / vasakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre – University exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashuram jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18
Friday 20-Apr-18
Saturday 21-Apr-18
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section: B.A VI Sem
Subject:Sectoral aspect of the indian economy
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introducation of pollution
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Types of Pollution
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Causes of environment pollution
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Suggestion to control environmental pollution
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Test; Types of pollution
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Agriculture meaning and importance
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Agriculture Productivity
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Low productivity: Causes
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Suggestion to improve agriculture productivity
Friday 12-Jan-18 Test: Low Productivity
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Agriculture credit
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Sources of agricultural credit
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Problem of agricultural credit,suggestion
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Test:Agricultural credit
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Agricultural labour
Friday 19-Jan-18 Backwardness of agricultural labourers
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Agriculture wages
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Test:Agriculture labour
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Agricultural marketing
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Government measure to improve agricultural marketing
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Agricultural price policy
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Test:Agricultural policy
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section: B.A VI Sem
Subject:Sectoral aspect of the indian economy
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Green revolution :Features and effect
Friday 02-Feb-18 Evalution of green revolution
Saturday 03-Feb-18  Land reform
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Test: Land reform
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Industrial policy:meaning and importance
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Industrial policy pre liberalization
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Industrial policy post liberalization
Friday 09-Feb-18 Test:Industrial policy
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Large scale industry
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Role of large scale industry
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Small scale industry and its role
Friday 16-Feb-18 Public sector in india
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Private sector in india
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Test:Private and public sector in india
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Foreign capital
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Advantage of foreign capital
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Foreign trade in india
Friday 23-Feb-18 Foreign trande before independence
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Foreign trade after independence
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Balance of trade
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Balance of payment
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section: B.A VI Sem
Subject:Sectoral aspect of the indian economy
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Test:Balance of payment
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 World trade organisation
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Disadvantage of WTO for india
Thursday 08-Mar-18 World bank:objective,funcation and management
Friday 09-Mar-18 India and world bank
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Test of world bank
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 International monetary fund
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Sucees and failure of IMF
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 IMF and india
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Test:IMF
Friday 16-Mar-18 Indian economy as an underdeveloped economy
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Features of indian economy as a mixed economy
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Dualistic nature of indian economy
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Test: state of indian economy
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Fiscal finance:meaning ,scope and importance
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Fiscal policy of india
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Test: fiscal finance
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Meaning of inflation meauserment and effect
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Cause of inflation
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Monetary management in india
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Test: monetary management
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Financial intermediation and market
31-Mar-18 Role of financial system in india
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section: B.A VI Sem
Subject:Sectoral aspect of the indian economy
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Human developments:Source and indicators
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Role of human developments and problem in india
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Poverty:Cause ,measure and trends in india
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Growth of GDP in haryana
Friday 06-Apr-18 Growth rate of different economic sector
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Sex ratio in haryana
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test : Sex ratio
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Globalization of haryana economy
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Problem of poverty in  haryana
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Eradication of poverty
Friday 13-Apr-18 Regional disparties in haryana
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre university exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18
Friday 20-Apr-18
Saturday 21-Apr-18
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section:B.Com II Sem
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introduction of macro economics
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Historical  background of macroeconomics
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Importance variable of macroeconomics
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Scope of macroeconomics
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Importance  of macroeconomics
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Limitation and Feature of macroeconomics
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Relationship between macro and micro economics
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Introduction of circular flow of income
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Two sector and three sector model
Friday 12-Jan-18 Four sector model of circular flow of income
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Withdrawls and injection of circular flow income
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Test of circlar flow income
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 National income and its related concepts
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Measurement of national income through product method
Thursday 18-Jan-18 test
Friday 19-Jan-18 Income method
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Expenditure method
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 National income at constant and current prices
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Difficulties in the measurement of national income
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Test of national income measurement
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Consumption function and propenstity to consume
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Feature and technical attributes of MPC & APC
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section:B.Com II Sem
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Determinants of propensity to consume
Friday 02-Feb-18  Psychological law of consumption
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Cyclical and secular consumption function
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Test of consumption function
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Investment function
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Propensity to invest
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Determinants of induced investment
Friday 09-Feb-18 Measure stimulate private and public investment
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Test of investment function
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Meaning of investment multiplier
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Comparative static analysis of multiplier
Friday 16-Feb-18 Dynamics analysis of multiplier
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Characterstics , limitation and leakages of muliplier
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 test
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Types and working of multiplier in under developed contries
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Importance and criticisn of multiplier
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Test of multiplier
Friday 23-Feb-18 Principle of Acceleration
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Significance and criticism of principle of acceleration
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Difference between accelarator and multipler
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Test of acceleration principle
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section:B.Com II Sem
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 keyneseian theory of income and employment
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Main features of keynesian economics
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Criticism
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Difference between keynesian model and classical model
Friday 09-Mar-18 Significance of keynesian theory of employment
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Test of keynesian model
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 National income determination in a three sector closed economy
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 GDP and govt.policy
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Aggregate expenditure and output approach
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Saving investement apporoach
Friday 16-Mar-18 Two aprproaches simultaneously
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Test of keynesian model
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Inflation meaning: keynesian view of inflation
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Types of inflation
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Demand full inflation theory
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Cost push inflation theory
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Causes of inflation
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Effect of inflation
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Inflation effect on economic develeopment
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Remedial measure of inflation
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Test of inflation
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Intorduction of business cycles
31-Mar-18 Types of business cycles
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
Class and Section:B.Com II Sem
Subject:Macro Economics
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Phase of business cycles
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Samuelsons theory of business cycles
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Hicks theory of business cycles
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Method to control business cycles
Friday 06-Apr-18 Test of Hicks theory of business cycle
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Comparative study of Hicks and Samuelson theory
08-Apr-18 Suday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test of phases of business cycles
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Test of keynesian theory of income
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Test of circular flow of income
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Test consumption function
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test of aceleration
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre -university exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18
Friday 20-Apr-18
Saturday 21-Apr-18
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18
Tuesday 24-Apr-18
Wednesday 25-Apr-18
Thursday 26-Apr-18
Friday 27-Apr-18
Saturday 28-Apr-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
M.Com II Sem
Subject:Buisness Statistics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introduction of correlation
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Multiple correlation meaning
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Calculation of cofficient of multiple
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Correlation
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Jayanti
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Partial crrelation
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Relationship between simple and partial correlation
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Multiple correlation cofficient
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Test of  correlation
Thursday 11-Jan-18 introduction of multiple Regreession
Friday 12-Jan-18 Analysis and method to obtain multiple regression equation
Saturday 13-Jan-18 simple regression equation
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Multiple regression equation of x1, on x2 and x3
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 regreesion equation of x2 on x3 ,x1 and x3 on x1,x2
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Multiple regression in term of simple correlation coefficent
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Test: multiple regression equation
Friday 19-Jan-18 Standard error of estimate or reliablity estimates
Saturday 20-Jan-18  coffecient of multiple determination
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Test of regression
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Introduction of index numbers, its uses
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Limitions and types of index no.
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Problem in the construction of index no.
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Methods of constructing index no.
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
M.Com II Sem
Subject:Buisness Statistics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Weighled index number
Friday 02-Feb-18 Quantity index number
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Test of adequancy of index number.
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Test of time  index number
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Chain index, fixed base index
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Base shifting , splicing and defalting
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Problem in constructing index no.
Friday 09-Feb-18 Consumer price index
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Test : base shifting, deflating
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Mening , types and use of time series
Thursday 15-Feb-18 models of times series analysis
Friday 16-Feb-18 Methods of constructing seasonal index
Saturday 17-Feb-18  Adjusting time series data for seasonal variation
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 estimation of time series
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Test
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Introduction of Probablity
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Approaches to Defining probaility
Friday 23-Feb-18 Theorme of addition
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Theorem of multiplication
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Conditional probability
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 combind use of addition and multiple therom
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
M.Com II Sem
Subject:Buisness Statistics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18  Practice of addition and multiplication theorem
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Theorem of condition probablity
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Test
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Bays theorem
Friday 09-Mar-18 Miscellaneous example practice
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Test
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Introduction of probablity distribution
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Theortical distribution
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Use and types of theortical distribution
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Binominal distribution
Friday 16-Mar-18 Characteristice and assumption
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Binominal distribution
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Application of Binominal ditribution
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Test
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Poission distribution
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Properties of poission distribution
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Importance of piossion distribution
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Application of Poission distribution
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Formula
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Practice of Poission distribution
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Test
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Fitting of poission distribution
31-Mar-18 Miscellaneous example practice
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Pinki
M.Com II Sem
Subject:Buisness Statistics
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Test
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Introduction of normal distribution
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Properties of normal distribution
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Importance of normal distribution
Friday 06-Apr-18 Relation among binomial ,poission , normal distribution
Saturday 07-Apr-18 test
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Application of normal distribution
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 finding mean and standard deviation when area is given
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 practice of standard deviation
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Fitting of normal curve
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Per – university exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Do
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Do
Friday 20-Apr-18 Do
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Do
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Do
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Do
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Do
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Do
Friday 27-Apr-18 Do
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Do
CLASS & SECTION: B.A- Sem.II,  (Text)
SUBJECT: ENGLISH, LESSON PLAN:  Tentative: 18 Weeks (January 2018- April 2018)
Week Date Topics
 1-Jan-2018 Monday Introduction to the Syllabus
2 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Introduction to the Author and the Story “Pigeons at Daybreak”
         I 3 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text
4 Jan. 2018 Thursday Reading of the text
5 Jan. 2018 Friday Reading of the text With Critical Analysis
6 Jan. 2018 Saturday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
7 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
 8 Jan. 2018 Monday Vocabulary Exercises
9 Jan. 2018 Tuesday  Transcription of words related to the Story
10 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Introduction to the Author and the Story “With the Photographer”
11 Jan. 2018 Thursday Reading of the text
       II 12 Jan. 2018Friday Reading of the text
13 Jan. 2018  Saturday Swarn Jayanti and Lohri Celebration
14 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
 15 Jan. 2018 Monday Reading of the text With Critical Analysis
16 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
      III 17 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Spell Bee competition
18 Jan. 2018 Thursday Vocabulary Exercises
19 Jan. 2018 Friday  Transcription of words related to the Story
20 Jan. 2018 Saturday  Introduction to the Author and the Story “The Journey”
21 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
 22 Jan. 2018 Monday Vasant  Panchami
23 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text
         IV 24 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
25 Jan. 2018 Thursday Reading of the text
26 Jan. 2018 Friday Republic Day
27 Jan. 2018 Saturday Reading of the text
28 Jan. 2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
29 Jan. 2018 Monday Reading of the text With Critical Analysis
30Jan. 2018 Tuesday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
31 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Guru Ravi Dass Jayanti
      V 1-Feb-2018 Thursday Vocabulary Exercises
2-Feb-2018 Friday Transcription of words related to the Story
3-Feb-2018 Saturday  Introduction to the Author and the Story “The Refugee”
4-Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
5 Feb. 2018 Monday Reading of the text
6 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text
       VI 7 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text
8 Feb-2018 Thursday Reading of the text With Critical Analysis
9 Feb-2018 Friday Inter- College
10 Feb-2018 Saturday Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
12 Feb. 2018 Monday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
13 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Maha Shivratri
       VII 14 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Vocabulary Exercises
15 Feb-2018 Thursday Transcription of words related to the Story
16 Feb-2018 Friday Introduction to the Author and the Story” Bellows for the Bullock”
17 Feb-2018 Saturday Reading of the text
18 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
19 Feb. 2018 Monday Reading of the text
20 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text
21 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text With Critical Analysis
       VIII 22 Feb-2018 Thursday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
23 Feb-2018 Friday Vocabulary Exercises
24 Feb-2018 Saturday Transcription of words related to the Story
25 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
26 Feb. 2018 Monday Departmental Activity
27 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Sports Day
       IX 28 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Holiday
1 March-2018 Thursday Holiday
2 March-2018 Friday Holi
3 March-2018 Saturday Holiday
4 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
5 March. 2018 Monday Introduction to the Author and the Story “Panchlight”
6 March. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text
7 March. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text
8 March-2018 Thursday Reading of the text
9 March-2018 Friday Class Test
10 March-2018 Saturday Reading of the text with Critical Analysis
11 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
12 March. 2018 Monday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
13 March. 2018 Tuesday Vocabulary Exercises
       XI 14 March. 2018 Wednesday Poetic Recitation
15 March-2018 Thursday Transcription of words related to the Story
16 March-2018 Friday Introduction to the Author and the Story “The Child””
17 March-2018 Saturday Reading of the text
18 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
19 March. 2018 Monday Reading of the text
20 March. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text
21 March. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text
       XII 22 March-2018 Thursday Reading of the text  with Critical Analysis
23 March-2018 Friday Holiday
24 March-2018 Saturday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
25 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
26 March. 2018 Monday Vocabulary Exercise
27 March. 2018 Tuesday Transcription of words related to the Story
       XIII 28 March. 2018 Wednesday Introduction to the Author and the Story “The Blind dog
29 March-2018 Thursday Mahavir Jayanti
30 March-2018 Friday Reading of the text
31 March-2018 Saturday Reading of the text
1 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
2 April-2018 Monday Reading of the text With Critical Analysis
3 April-2018 Tuesday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
4 April-2018 Wednesday Vocabulary Exercises
5 April-2018 Thursday Transcription of words related to the Story
6 April-2018 Friday Revision Of Transcription related to the Chapters
7 April-2018 Saturday Test Of Transcription
8 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
9 April-2018 Monday Discussion of Previous Years’ Papers
10 April-2018 Tuesday Revision of Chapter 1
       XV 11 April-2018 Wednesday Revision of chapter 2
12 April-2018 Thursday Revision of Chapter 3
13 April-2018 Friday
14 April-2018 Saturday Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti/ Vesakhi
15 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
16 April-2018 Monday Revision of chapter 4
17 April-2018 Tuesday Revision of chapter 5
       XVI 18 April-2018 Wednesday Parshuram Jayanti
19 April-2018 Thursday Revision of Chapter 6
20 April-2018 Friday Revision of Chapter 7
21 April-2018 Saturday Revision of Chapter 8
22 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
23 April-2018 Monday Revision/ Test
24 April-2018 Tuesday Revision/ Test
       XVII 25 April-2018 Wednesday Revision/ Test
26 April-2018 Thursday Revision/ Test
27 April-2018 Friday Revision/ Test
28 April-2018 Saturday Revision/ Test
29 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
       XVIII 30 April- 2018 Monday  Exam
Name of Assistant/Associate Professor: MS. Monika
Class & Section: B.Sc.Semester II
Subject Lesson Plan(Tentative): 18 Weeks (January 2018- April 2018)
Week 1
Day Date Topic
Monday 01-Jan-18 Our Civilization- Background+ Chapter Reading
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Our Civilization- Chapter Reading& Explanation
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Our Civilization- Chapter Reading& Explanation
Week 2
Monday 08-Jan-18 Our Civilization- Question & Answer Discussion
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Its Question Time- Background+ Chapter Reading
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Its Question Time- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Week 3
Monday 15-Jan-18 Its Question Time- Chapter Reading& Explanation
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Its Question Time- Question & Answer Discussion
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Departmental Activity- Spell Bee+ Slogan Writing
Week 4
Monday 22-Jan-18 Holiday
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Translation
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Holiday
Week 5
Monday 29-Jan-18 Translation
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 An Interview with Christian Barnard-Background+ Chapter Reading
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 An Interview with Christian Barnard- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Week 6
Monday 05-Feb-18 An Interview with Christian Barnard- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Tuesday 06-Feb-18 An Interview with Christian Barnard- Question & Answer Discussion
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Precis
Week 7
Monday 12-Feb-18 Precis
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Holiday
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Untouchability-Background+ Chapter Reading
Week 8
Monday 19-Feb-18 Untouchability- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Untouchability- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Untouchability- Question & Answer Discussion
Week 9
Monday 26-Feb-18 Departmental Activity- Wear Your Attitude
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 College Activity
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 Holi Holiday
Week 10
Monday 05-Mar-18 Inhumanisation of War-Background+ Chapter Reading
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Inhumanisation of War- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Inhumanisation of War- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Week 11
Monday 12-Mar-18 Inhumanisation of War- Question & Answer Discussion
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Class Tests
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Departmental Activity- Poetic Recitation
Week 12
Monday 19-Mar-18 Seven Types of Gender Inequality- Background+ Chapter Reading
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Seven Types of Gender Inequality- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Seven Types of Gender Inequality- Chapter Reading & Explanation
Week 13
Monday 26-Mar-18 Seven Types of Gender Inequality- Question & Answer Discussion
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Letters
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Letters
Week 14
Monday 02-Apr-18 Letters
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Letters
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Precis
Monday 09-Apr-18 Precis
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Translation
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Translation
Week 16
Monday 16-Apr-18 Revision- Chapter 1 & 2
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Revision- Chapter 3 & 4
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Holiday
Week 17
Monday 23-Apr-18 Revision- Chapter 5 & 6
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Revision- Translation, Precis
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Revision- Letters
Week 18
Monday 30-Apr-18 Exam
Name of Assistant/Associate Professor: Ms. Monika
Class & Section: B.A. Semester IV (Text)
Subject Lesson Plan(Tentative): 18 Weeks (January 2018- April 2018)
Week Date & Day Topics
 1-Jan-2018 Monday Introduction to the syllabus
2 Jan. 2018 Tuesday   Introduction to Speech Sounds
3 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Speech Sounds to be Continued
4 Jan. 2018 Thursday Speech Sounds to be Continued
5 Jan. 2018 Friday Speech Sounds to be Continued
         I 6 Jan. 2018 Saturday Speech Sounds to be Continued
7 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
 8 Jan. 2018 Monday Speech Sounds to be Continued
9 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Speech Sounds to be Continued
10 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Speech Sounds to be Continued
11 Jan. 2018 Thursday Speech Sounds to be Continued
       II 12 Jan. 2018 Friday Test of Speech Sounds
13 Jan. 2018 Saturday Swarn Jayanti and Lohri Celebration
14 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
 15 Jan. 2018 Monday Introduction to Playwright
16 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Introduction to the Play The Envoy
       III 17 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Departmental Activity
18 Jan. 2018 Thursday Reading of the text The Envoy  with Critical Analysis
19 Jan. 2018 Friday Reading of the text The Envoy  with Critical Analysis
20 Jan. 2018 Saturday Reading of the text The Envoy  with Critical Analysis
21 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
 22 Jan. 2018 Monday Vasant  Panchami
23 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text The Envoy  with Critical Analysis
24 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
25 Jan. 2018 Thursday Reading of the text The Envoy  with Critical Analysis
26 Jan. 2018 Friday Republic Day
         IV 27 Jan. 2018 Saturday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
28 Jan. 2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
29 Jan. 2018 Monday Introduction to Playwright
      V 30Jan. 2018 Tuesday Introduction to the play The Swan Song
31 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
1-Feb-2018 Thursday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
2-Feb-2018 Friday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
3-Feb-2018 Saturday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
4-Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
5 Feb. 2018 Monday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
6 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
       VI 7 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text The Swan Song with Critical Analysis
8 Feb-2018 Thursday Discussion of Questions given at the end of the Chapter
9 Feb-2018Friday Inter- College
10 Feb-2018 Saturday Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
12 Feb. 2018 Monday Discussion of the Questions given at the end of the Chapter
13 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Maha Shivratri
       VII 14 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Introduction to Playwright
15 Feb-2018 Thursday Introduction to the play Monkey’s Paw
16 Feb-2018 Friday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
17 Feb-2018 Saturday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
18 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
19 Feb. 2018 Monday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
20 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
       VIII 21 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
22 Feb-2018 Thursday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
23 Feb-2018 Friday   Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
24 Feb-2018 Saturday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
25 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
26 Feb. 2018 Monday   Departmental Activity
27 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Sports Day
       IX 28 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Winter Break from 28.02.2017 to 04.03.2017
1 March-2018 Thursday Guru Ravidas Birthday
2 March-2018 Friday Holi
3 March-2018 Saturday Holiday
4 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
5 March. 2018 Monday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
6 March. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
       X 7 March. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
8 March-2018 Thursday Reading of the text Monkey’s Paw with Critical Analysis
9 March-2018 Friday Discussion of  Questions given at the end of the Chapter
10 March-2018 Saturday Class Test
11 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
12 March. 2018 Monday Introduction to Playwright
13 March. 2018 Tuesday Introduction to the Play Before Breakfast
       XI 14 March. 2018 Wednesday Departmental Activity
15 March-2018 Thursday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
16 March-2018 Friday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
17 March-2018 Saturday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
18 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
19 March. 2018 Monday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
20 March. 2018 Tuesday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
       XII 21 March. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
22 March-2018 Thursday Reading of the text Before Breakfast with Critical Analysis
23 March-2018 Friday Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
24 March-2018 Saturday Discussion of Questions given at the end of the Chapter
25 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
26 March. 2018 Monday Introduction to Playwright
27 March. 2018 Tuesday Introduction to the Play The Sleep Walkers
       XIII 28 March. 2018 Wednesday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
29 March-2018 Thursday Mahavir jayanti
30 March-2018 Friday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
31 March-2018 Saturday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
1 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
2 April-2018 Monday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
3 April-2018 Tuesday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
       XIV 4 April-2018 Wednesday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
5 April-2018 Thursday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
6 April-2018 Friday Reading of the text The Sleep Walkers with Critical Analysis
7 April-2018 Saturday Discussion of Questions given at the end of the Chapter
8 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
9 April-2018 Monday Vocabulary Exercises
10 April-2018 Tuesday Vocabulary Exercises
       XV 11 April-2018 Wednesday Revision/ Practice of transcription
12 April-2018 Thursday Revision/ Practice of transcription
13 April-2018 Friday
14 April-2018 Saturday Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti/ Vesakhi
15 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
16 April-2018 Monday Revision of  Chapters
17 April-2018 Tuesday Test of Chapters
       XVI 18 April-2018 Wednesday Parashurama Jayanti
19 April-2018 Thursday Discussion  of Previous Years’ papers
20 April-2018 Friday  Discussion of Previous Years’ Papers
21 April-2018  Saturday Revision/Test
22 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
23 April-2018 Monday Revision/ Test
24 April-2018 Tuesday Revision/ Test
       XVII 25 April-2018 Wednesday Revision/ Test
26 April-2018 Thursday Revision/ Test
27 April-2018 Friday Revision/ Test
28 April-2018 Saturday Revision/ Test
29 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
XVIII 30 April- 2018 Monday Exams
CLASS & SECTION: B.A-6th Semester, (Text)
SUBJECT: ENGLISH, LESSON PLAN:  Tentative: 18 Weeks (January 2018- April 2018)
Week Date &Day Topics
      I  1 Jan.2018 Monday Introduction to the Syllabus
2 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Introduction to the Drama
3 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Types of Drama
4 Jan. 2018 Thursday Types of Drama
5 Jan. 2018  Friday Types of Drama
6 Jan. 2018 Saturday Introduction to Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice and characters
7 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
    II  8 Jan. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-I
9 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
10 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
11 Jan. 2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
12 Jan. 2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
13 Jan. 2018 Saturday Swarn Jayanti and Lohri Celebration
14 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
     III  15 Jan. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
16 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
17 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
18 Jan. 2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
19 Jan. 2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
20 Jan. 2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-I to be Continued
21 Jan. 2018 Sunday                          SUNDAY
      IV  22 Jan. 2018 Monday Vasant  Panchami
23 Jan. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-II
24 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
25 Jan. 2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
26 Jan. 2018 Friday Republic Day
27 Jan. 2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
28 Jan. 2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
    V 29 Jan. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
30Jan. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
31 Jan. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
1-Feb-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
2-Feb-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
3-Feb-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
4-Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
     VI 5 Feb. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
6 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
7 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
8 Feb-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
9 Feb-2018 Friday Inter- College
10 Feb-2018 Saturday Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
12 Feb. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-II to be Continued
13 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Maha Shivratri
14 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-III
15 Feb-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
16 Feb-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
17 Feb-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
18 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
   VIII 19 Feb. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
20 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
21 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
22 Feb-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
23 Feb-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
24 Feb-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
25 Feb-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
    IX 26 Feb. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
27 Feb. 2018 Tuesday Sports Day
28 Feb. 2018 Wednesday Winter Break from 28.02.2017 to 04.03.2017
1 March-2018 Thursday Guru Ravidas Birthday
2 March-2018 Friday Holi
3 March-2018 Saturday Holiday
4 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
      X 5 March. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
6 March. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
7 March. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
8 March-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
9 March-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
10 March-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-III to be Continued
11 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
    XI 12 March. 2018 Monday Discussion of Questions/ References Related to Act- I, II, III
13 March. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-IV
14 March. 2018 Wednesday Poetic Recitation
15 March-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
16 March-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
17 March-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
18 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
    XII 19 March. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
20 March. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
21 March. 2018 Wednesday Class Test
22 March-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
23 March-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
24 March-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
25 March-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
26 March. 2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
27 March. 2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
    XIII 28 March. 2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-IV to be Continued
29 March-2018 Thursday Mahavir Jayanti
30 March-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-V
31 March-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
1 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
2 April-2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
XIV 3 April-2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
4 April-2018 Wednesday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
5 April-2018 Thursday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
6 April-2018 Friday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
7 April-2018 Saturday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
8 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
     XV 9 April-2018 Monday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
10 April-2018 Tuesday Critical Analysis of Act-V to be Continued
11 April-2018 Wednesday Reference to the Context Related to Play
12 April-2018 Thursday Reference to the Context Related to Play
13 April-2018 Friday Reference to the Context Related to Play
14 April-2018 Saturday Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti/ Vesakhi
15 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
   XVI 16 April-2018 Monday Revision of Types of Drama
17 April-2018 Tuesday Test of Types of Drama
18 April-2018 Wednesday Test of Short Questions
19 April-2018 Thursday Test of long Questions
20 April-2018 Friday Test of long Questions
21 April-2018 Saturday Discussion of Previous Years’ Papers
22 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
 XVII 23 April-2018 Monday Revision/ Test
24 April-2018 Tuesday Revision/ Test
25 April-2018 Wednesday Revision/ Test
26 April-2018 Thursday Revision/ Test
27 April-2018 Friday Revision/ Test
28 April-2018 Saturday Revision/ Test
29 April-2018 Sunday                            SUNDAY
XVIII 30 April- 2017 Sunday Exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 meaning ,nature and scope of physical geography
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 relation of physical geography with other branches of sciences
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 importance of physical geography
Thursday 04-Jan-18 sources of knowing interior of earth
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 different interior layers introduction to tropographical sheeets
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 accepted and modern views regarding constitution of earth interior
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 geologic time scale
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 geologic time scale
Thursday 11-Jan-18 geologic time scale
Friday 12-Jan-18 rocks meaning and defination ,half degree quartar degree
Saturday 13-Jan-18 rock cycle, Degree Sheet
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 earth movement
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 earth movement
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 earth movement
Thursday 18-Jan-18 earth movement
Friday 19-Jan-18 earthquake, Conventional Science
Saturday 20-Jan-18 earthquake, Hachures
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 earthquake
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 earthquake
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 earthquake, Spot Heights, Benchmark and Trignometryical stations
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 earthquake
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 earthquake
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 earthquake
Friday 02-Feb-18 earthquake, Hill Shading
Saturday 03-Feb-18 volcanoes, Layer Tints
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 volcanoes
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 volcanoes
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 volcanoes
Thursday 08-Feb-18 volcanoes
Friday 09-Feb-18 volcanoes
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 volcanoes
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 isostasy
Thursday 15-Feb-18 isostasy
Friday 16-Feb-18 isostasy
Saturday 17-Feb-18 isostasy, Contours
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 isostasy
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 isostasy
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 isostasy
Thursday 22-Feb-18 wegners theory of continentel drift
Friday 23-Feb-18 wegners theory of continentel drift, Slopes-Concave, Convex
Saturday 24-Feb-18 wegners theory of continentel drift, Undulating and terraced
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 plate tectonic theory
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 plate tectonic theory
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 plate tectonic theory
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 plate tectonic theory
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 plate tectonic theory
Thursday 08-Mar-18 plate tectonic theory
Friday 09-Mar-18 weathering, Valleys(v-Shaped)
Saturday 10-Mar-18 weathering,Valleys(U-Shaped)
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 weathering
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 weathering
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 weathering
Thursday 15-Mar-18 weathering
Friday 16-Mar-18 mass movement, Gorge
Saturday 17-Mar-18 mass movement,Re-Entrant
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 mass movement
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 cycle of erosion
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 cycle of erosion
Thursday 22-Mar-18 cycle of erosion
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 procss wind, Ridges(Conical hills)
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 procss wind
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 procss wind
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 procss wind
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 procss river, Volcanic Hill
Saturday 31-Mar-18 procss river, Plateau Escarpment
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 process underground water
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 process underground water
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 process underground water
Thursday 05-Apr-18 process underground water
Friday 06-Apr-18 process underground water, Complex Features-Waterfall
Saturday 07-Apr-18 process underground water,Sea-cliff, Overhanging Cliff
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 process underground water
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Glacier, Sea Waves
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Glacier, Sea Waves
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Glacier, Sea Waves
Friday 13-Apr-18 Glacier, Sea Waves
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Test, Drawing of Profiles-Cross Profiles
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Test, Serial ,Superimposed
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Test, Projected and composite profile
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Test, Logitudenal Profile
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: B.A. IV Sem
Subject: Geography
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Meaning and definition of Human Geography
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Nature of Human Geography
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Scope of Human Geography, Meaning and definition of Map Projection
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Branches of Human Geography, Map Projection Classification
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Approaches of the study of Human Geography
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Division of Man Kind, Human races, Meaning and definition
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Special distribution of race of India
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Special distribution of Tribes of India, Map Projection importance
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Main Tribes of India, Charateristics of Lattitude and Longitude Lines
Friday 12-Jan-18 Concept of Man Environment Relation-A historical Approach
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Environmental Determinism
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Possibilism
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Neo-Determinism
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Human Adaptation to the environment-Eskimo, Cylinderical Projection
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Hot-region-BushMan, Simple cylindrical projection
Friday 19-Jan-18 Plateau Gonds
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Mountains-Gujjars
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Meaning and definition of Resource
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Components of Resources, Cylinderical Equal area Projection
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Classification of resources- Renewel and non renewable
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Biotic and aboitic resources
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Recyclable and Nonrecyclable resources
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: B.A. IV Sem
Subject: Geography
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Distribution, Utilization and conservation of biotic resources, Mercator’s Projection
Friday 02-Feb-18 Distribution, Utilization and conservation of abiotic resources
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Distribution, Utilization and conservation of abiotic resources
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Distribution, Utilization and conservation of abiotic resources
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Distribution of world population,factor affecting population distribution
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Pattern of World Population distribution, Conical Projection-Meaning and definition
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Density of Population, Simple conical projection with one standard parallel
Friday 09-Feb-18 Population Growth or Population change
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Determinants of Population Change-Fertility
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Specail Pattern of Fertility in the world, Simple conical projection with two standard parrallel
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Determinants of population change-Mortality, Bonne’s Projection
Friday 16-Feb-18 Concept of over, Under and optimum population
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Population Theories-Malthus
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Population theories-Recardo
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Population theory-Marks
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Meaning and definition of Ruler sattlements, Polyconic Projection
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Ruler Sattlement-Classification, International Map Projection
Friday 23-Feb-18 Ruler Sattlemet Types
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Meaning and Definition of Urban Sattlement
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Origin of Towns-Prehistoric towns
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Origin of towns Medievial towns
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: B.A. IV Sem
Subject: Geography
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Origin of Towns, Modern Towns
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Classification of Towns
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Functions of Towns, Zenithal Projection, Chrarcteristics, Application and Drawing
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Population Pressure, Polar Zenithal Euidistant Projection
Friday 09-Mar-18 Resource Use
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Environmental Degradation, Degradation of Natural Environment
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Environmental Degradation, Degradation of Environment by man
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Sustainable Development
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Concept of Deforestation, Polar Zenithal equal area Projection
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Soil Erosion, Polar Zenithal Gnomoinc Projection
Friday 16-Mar-18 Air Polution
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Water Population
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Revision
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Revision
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Revision, Polar Zenithal stereographic Projection
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Revision, Polar Zenithal Orthographic Projection
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Revision
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Revision
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Revision
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Revision, Characteristics, Application and drawing of Sinosoidal
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Revision
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Revision
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Harish Kumar
Class and Section: B.A. IV Sem
Subject: Geography
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Revision, Characteristics Application and Drawing Mollweide Projection
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Revision, Plane table survey
Friday 06-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Revision
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Revision, Plane table survey
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Revision, Plane table survey
Friday 13-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Test
 Lesson Plan (January 2018)
Name of Assistant Professor: Dr. Ashok   Kumar
Class: BA-I(Sem-II), BA-II(Sem-IV), BA-III(Sem-VI)                                                                         Subject- History
Week Date BA-I :History of India (600-1526 AD) Opt-(i) BA-II: Indian National Movement Opt(ii) BA-III: Modern World Opt(i)
01-Jan Unit-I: Post Gupta period upto 750 AD  Unit-I: Origin of the National Consiciouness Unit-I:Renaissance
02-Jan Contd. Contd. Contd.
03-Jan Contd. Founding of Indian National Congress Contd.
04-Jan Contd. Contd. Reformation
05-Jan Polity & Economy Moderates(ideology) Contd.
06-Jan Indian Feudalism Contd. Contd.
07-Jan Sunday Sunday Sunday
2nd 08-Jan Tri-Parties struggle Extremists (ideology) Rise of Capitalisam
09-Jan Pal, Pratiharas, RashtraKuts Extremist Programmes Contd.
10-Jan Contd. Contd. Mercantile Capital
11-Jan  Administration of Cholas Contd. Contd.
12-Jan Contd. Map-Place of session of Congress Contd.
13-Jan Hawan & Lohri Celebration Hawan & Lohri Celebration Hawan & Lohri Celebration
14-Jan  Sunday Sunday Sunday
3rd 15-Jan Socio-cultural trends(600-1206 AD) Explanatory note of Map Free Trade Capital
16-Jan Society Multiple Choice Ques. Contd.
17-Jan Religious life Contd. Contd.
18-Jan Art (600-1206 AD) Home Rule Movement Agriculture Revolution
19-Jan Contd. Contd. Contd.
20-Jan Contd. Contd. Contd.
21-Jan Sunday Sunday Sunday
4th 22-Jan  Holiday(Basant Panchami) Holiday(Basant Panchami) Holiday(BasantPanchami)
23-Jan Literature during(600-1206 AD) Home Rule Movement Industrial Revolution
24-Jan Holiday(Chhotu Ram Jyanti) Holiday(Chhotu Ram Jyanti) Holiday(Chhotu Ram Jyanti)
25-Jan Literature during(600-1206 AD) Home Rule Movement Industrial Revolution
26-Jan Holiday (Republic Day) Holiday (Republic Day) Holiday (Republic Day)
27-Jan Literature during(600-1206 AD) Group discussion Map: Industrial Revolution
28-Jan Sunday Sunday Sunday
5th 29-Jan Map-Extent of Harsha’s Empire Test of Map Explanatory Note of Map
30-Jan Contd. Multiple Choice Ques. Multiple Choice ques.
31-Jan Test-I Test-I Test-I
Lesson Plan (February 2018)
Name of Assistant Professor: Dr. Ashok   Kumar
Class: BA-I(Sem-II), BA-II(Sem-IV), BA-III(Sem-VI)                                                                         Subject- History
Week Date BA-I :History of India (600-1526 AD) Opt-(i) BA-II: Indian National Movement Opt(ii) BA-III: Modern World Opt(i)
1st 01-Feb Unit-II: Invasion’s of Ghaznavi Unit-II: Mahatama Gandhi in National Movement Unit-II: Libreralism in England
02-Feb Contd. Contd. Contd.
03-Feb Contd. Non cooperation movemnt Contd.
04-Feb Sunday Sunday Sunday
2nd 05-Feb Invasion of Ghori Non cooperation movemnt American Revolution
06-Feb Causes Civil Disobedience Movement Cause
07-Feb Effects Contd. Contd.
08-Feb Contd. Contd. Contd.
09-Feb Inter-College Competitions Inter-College Competitions Inter-College Competitions
10-Feb Holiday(Dayanand S Jyanti) Holiday(Dayanand S Jyanti) Holiday(Dayanand S Jyanti)
11-Feb  Sunday Sunday Sunday
3rd 12-Feb Delhi Sultanate Multiple Choice ques. American Revolution Impact
13-Feb Holiday(Mahashivratri) Holiday(Mahashivratri) Holiday(Mahashivratri)
14-Feb Khaljis Map: Area & Centers of Home Rule Movement American Revolution Impact
15-Feb Contd. Map: Explanatory Note Contd.
16-Feb Contd. Quit India Movement French Revolution
17-Feb The Tughlaq Contd. Contd.
18-Feb Sunday Sunday Sunday
4th 19-Feb The Tughlaq Quit India Movement French Revolution Nature
20-Feb Contd. Contd. French Revolution Impact
21-Feb Contd. Multiple Choice Ques. Contd.
22-Feb Bahmani Kingdom Map: Center of Civil Disobedience Movement Contd.
23-Feb Contd. Map: Explanatory Note Map: The Eve of French Revolution
24-Feb Contd. Map test Map: Explanatory Note
25-Feb Sunday Sunday Sunday
5th 26-Feb Map: Extent of Ala-Ud-din Empire Group Discussion/ Assignment Group Discussion/ Assignment
27-Feb Contd. Contd. Contd.
28-Feb Holiday Holiday Holiday
Lesson Plan (March 2018)
Name of Assistant Professor: Dr. Ashok   Kumar
Class: BA-I(Sem-II), BA-II(Sem-IV), BA-III(Sem-VI)                                                                         Subject- History
Week Date BA-I :History of India (600-1526 AD) Opt-(i) BA-II: Indian National Movement Opt(ii) BA-III: Modern World Opt(i)
1st 01-Mar     Holi     Holi     Holi
02-Mar Vacations Vacations Vacations
04-Mar Sunday Sunday Sunday
2nd 05-Mar Vijay Nagar Kingdom Ideology of Revolutionaries Unit-II: Rise of Imperialism
06-Mar Assignment-I Contd. Contd.
07-Mar Test-II Contd. Contd.
08-Mar Decline of Delhi Sultanate Bhagat Singh(ideology) Unit-III: Worla War-I
09-Mar Contd. Contd. Causes
10-Mar Contd. Contd. Consequences
11-Mar Sunday Sunday Sunday
3rd 12-Mar Decline of Delhi Sultanate Unit-III: Act of 1909 World War-I Effects
13-Mar Unit-III: Adm. Of Delhi Sultanate Contd. Paris Peace Settlement
14-Mar Contd. Act of 1919 Contd.
15-Mar Contd. Contd. Contd.
16-Mar Contd. Contd. Map: Polarization World War-I
17-Mar Contd. Muslim League Map: Explanatory Note
18-Mar Sunday Sunday Sunday
4th 19-Mar Economic Development(1206-1526) Poona Pact Rise of Socialism
20-Mar Contd. Act of 1935 Contd.
21-Mar Contd. Contd. Bolshevik Revolution
22-Mar Contd. Contd. Contd.
23-Mar Holiday(Shahidi Diwas) Holiday(Shahidi Diwas) Holiday(Shahidi Diwas)
24-Mar Map:Tughlaq Empire Map: Centers of Revolutionaries Test-II
25-Mar Sunday Sunday Sunday
5th 26-Mar Map: Explanatory Note Map: Explanatory Note Assignment-II
27-Mar Map:Vijay Nagar  Empire Test-II Multiple Choice Ques.
28-Mar Map: Explanatory Note Assignment-II Contd.
29-Mar Holiday(Mahaveer Jyanti) Holiday(Mahaveer Jyanti) Holiday(Mahaveer Jyanti)
30-Mar Assignment-II Group Discussion Group discussion
31-Mar Group Discussion Multiple Choice Ques. Map: Paris Peace Settlement
Lesson Plan (April 2018)
Name of Assistant Professor: Dr. Ashok   Kumar
Class: BA-I(Sem-II), BA-II(Sem-IV), BA-III(Sem-VI)                                                                         Subject- History
Week Date BA-I :History of India (600-1526 AD) Opt-(i) BA-II: Indian National Movement Opt(ii) BA-III: Modern World Opt(i)
1st 01-Apr         Sunday         Sunday         Sunday
2nd 02-Apr Unit-III: Bhakti Movement Subhash Chander Bose Rise of Nazism
03-Apr Contd. Contd. Contd.
04-Apr Contd. Contd. Contd.
05-Apr Sufi Movement Indian National Army Rise of Fasicism
06-Apr Contd. Contd. Contd.
07-Apr Contd. Contd. Contd.
08-Apr Sunday Sunday Sunday
3rd 09-Apr Multiple Choice ques. Partitian of India World War-II
10-Apr Multiple Choice ques. Contd. Causes
11-Apr Multiple Choice ques. Contd. Consequences
12-Apr Map: Urban Centers of Delhi Sultanate Independence India Effects
13-Apr Contd. Contd. Contd.
14-Apr Holiday(Vaisakhi) Holiday(Vaisakhi) Holiday(Vaisakhi)
15-Apr Sunday Sunday Sunday
4th 16-Apr Map: Explantory Note Independence India Map: Polarization before World War-II
17-Apr Map test Map: Quit India Movement Map: Explantory Note
18-Apr Holiday(Parshuram Jyanti) Holiday(Parshuram Jyanti) Holiday(Parshuram Jyanti)
19-Apr Revision Map: Explantory Note Map test
20-Apr Revision Map test Multiple Choice Ques.
21-Apr Multiple Choice ques. Group discussion Multiple Choice Ques
22-Apr Sunday Sunday Sunday
5th 23-Apr Group discussion Multiple Choice Ques. Group Discussion
24-Apr Group discussion Multiple Choice Ques. Group Discussion
25-Apr Revision Revision Revision
26-Apr Revision Revision Revision
27-Apr Revision Revision Revision
28-Apr Revision Revision Revision
29-Apr Sunday Sunday Sunday
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class:B.Sc II Sem.
Subject: Vector Calculus
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18
Wednesday 03-Jan-18
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Scaler Triple product
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Vector triple product
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18
Tuesday 09-Jan-18
Wednesday 10-Jan-18
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Product of four vectors
Friday 12-Jan-18 Recipropcal vectors
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Vector differentiation
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18
Tuesday 16-Jan-18
Wednesday 17-Jan-18
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Scaler valued point functions
Friday 19-Jan-18 Vector valued point functions
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Derivative along a curve
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Directional derivative
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Problems
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18
Tuesday 30-Jan-18
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class:B.Sc II Sem.
Subject:Vector Calculus
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Test
Friday 02-Feb-18 Gradient of a scaler point function
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Character of gradient as a point function
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18
Wednesday 07-Feb-18
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Divergence and curl of a vector point function
Friday 09-Feb-18  Character of div f
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Character of curl f
Friday 16-Feb-18 Examples
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Gradient,divergence and curl of sums and product and their related vector identities
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18
Tuesday 20-Feb-18
Wednesday 21-Feb-18
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Problems
Friday 23-Feb-18 Laplacian operator
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Examples
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18
Tuesday 27-Feb-18
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class:B.Sc II Sem.
Subject:Vector Calculus
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18
Tuesday 06-Mar-18
Wednesday 07-Mar-18
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Problems
Friday 09-Mar-18 Test
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinates
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18
Tuesday 13-Mar-18
Wednesday 14-Mar-18
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Conditions for orthogonality
Friday 16-Mar-18 Fundamental triad of mutually orthogonal unit vectors
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Gradient
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18
Tuesday 20-Mar-18
Wednesday 21-Mar-18
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Divergence
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Curl
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18
Tuesday 27-Mar-18
Wednesday 28-Mar-18
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Laplacian operators in terms of curvilinear co-ordinates
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Cylinderical co-ordinates
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class:B.Sc II Sem.
Subject:Vector Calculus
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18
Tuesday 03-Apr-18
Wednesday 04-Apr-18
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Spherical co-ordinates
Friday 06-Apr-18 Problems
Saturday 07-Apr-18 TEST
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18
Tuesday 10-Apr-18
Wednesday 11-Apr-18
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Vector integration
Friday 13-Apr-18  Line integral, surface integral, volume integral
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Ordinary Differential Equation
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Introduction
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Geometrical Meaning of a Differential Equation
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Exact Diff. Equation
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Integrating Factor
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Rule 1 to solve differential equation
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Rule 2 to solve differential equation
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Rule 3 to solve differential equation
Friday 12-Jan-18
Saturday 13-Jan-18
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Rule 4 to solve differential equation
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Rule 5 to solve differential equation
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Test
Thursday 18-Jan-18 First Order Higher Degree Equation
Friday 19-Jan-18
Saturday 20-Jan-18
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Lagrange’s Equation
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Solution of Lagrange’s Equation
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Clairaut’s Equation
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Solution of Clairaut’s Equation
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Ordinary Differential Equation
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Linear Differential Equation of Second order
Friday 02-Feb-18
Saturday 03-Feb-18
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Method of solving Auxillary Equation
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Method of solving particular solution
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Method of solving Imaginary roots
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Cases of Failure
Friday 09-Feb-18
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Solution of all types of linear differential Equation of II order
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Problems
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Test
Friday 16-Feb-18 Homogeneous Linear Equation
Saturday 17-Feb-18
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Transformation of the Equation by changing the dependent variable/ Independent variable
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Solution by operators of non homogeneous linear differential Equation
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Reduction of order of a differential Equation
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Method of variations of parameters
Friday 23-Feb-18
Saturday 24-Feb-18
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Problems
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Test
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Ordinary Differential Equation
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Ordinary Simultaneous diffrential Equation
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Solution of Simultaneous Diff. Equation involving operators
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Simultaneous equation of form dx/P=dy/Q=dz/R
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Total diff. Equation
Friday 09-Mar-18
Saturday 10-Mar-18
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Problems
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Problems
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Problems
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Test
Friday 16-Mar-18 Method of solution
Saturday 17-Mar-18  Equation Reducible to homogeneous linear form
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Method of solution
Tuesday 20-Mar-18  Equation Reducible to homogeneous linear form
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Linear Differential Equation of II order
Thursday 22-Mar-18
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Linear Differential Equation of II order
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Reduction to normal forms
Wednesday 28-Mar-18
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18
Saturday 31-Mar-18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Sem
Subject: Ordinary Differential Equation
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Method of undetermined coeff.
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Problems
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Condition for pdx+Qdx+Rdz=0 to be exact
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Genearl method of solving Pdx+Qdy+Rdz=0
Friday 06-Apr-18
Saturday 07-Apr-18
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Problems
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Problems
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Test
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Problems
Friday 13-Apr-18
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Exams
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc IV Sem.
Subject:Programming in C And Numerical Methods
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introduction
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Solution of agebraic and transcendental equations
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Bisection method
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Regula falsi method
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Examples
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Secant Method
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Examples
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Newton-Raphson method
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Examples
Friday 12-Jan-18 Newton iterartive method for finding pth root of a number
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Examples
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Order of convergence of above methods
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Some examples on four methods
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Problems
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Test
Friday 19-Jan-18 Simultaneous linear algebraic equations:Gauss elimination method
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Some examples on above method
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Gauss-Jordan method
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Triangularization method(LU decomposition method)
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Examples on above method
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Crout’s method
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Cholesky decomposition method
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc IV Sem.
Subject:Programming in C And Numerical Methods
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Iterative method
Friday 02-Feb-18 Jacobi’s method
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Gauss-Seidel’s method
04-Feb-18 Relaxation method
Monday 05-Feb-18 Probiems
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Test
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Programmer’s model of a computer
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Algorithms
Friday 09-Feb-18 Flowchart
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Data types
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Ooerators and expressions,input/output functions
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Decisions control structure:Decision statements,Logical and conditional statements
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Implementation of loops, Switch Statement and case control structures.
Friday 16-Feb-18 Functions,Proprocessors and arrays
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Strings:Character data type, Standard string handling functions
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Arithmetic operations on characters.
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Structures:Definition, using structures
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Use of structures in arrays and arrays in structures.
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Pointers:Pointers data type, pointers and arrays, pointers and functions.
Friday 23-Feb-18 Program to generate first n prime numbers
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Program
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 PROGARM
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 PROGRAM
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc IV Sem.
Subject:Programming in C And Numerical Methods
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Thursday 08-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Friday 09-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Saturday 10-Mar-18 PROGRAM
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Thursday 15-Mar-18 PROGRAM
Friday 16-Mar-18 Revision
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Revision
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Revision
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Revision
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Revision
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Revision
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Test
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Revision
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Revision
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Revision
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Revision
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Revision
31-Mar-18 Revision
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc IV Sem.
Subject:Programming in C And Numerical Methods
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 06-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Revision
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 13-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
22-Apr-18 Sunday
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 PRE-UNIVERSITY EXAMS
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc VI Sem.
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Velocity along a plane curve
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Acceleration along a plane curve
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Component of velocity and acceleration along the co-ordinate axes
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Angular velocity and angular acceleration along a plane curve
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Motion of a particle along a plane curve with constant angular acceleration
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Relation between angular velocity and linear velocity
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Radial and Transverse velocities
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Radial and Transverse Acceleratoins(POLAR CO-ORDINATES)
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Examples on velocity and acceleration
Friday 12-Jan-18 Tangential and Normal velocities
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Tangential and Normal accelerations
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Examples on velocity and acceleration
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Relative displacement
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Relative velocity and determination of Relative velocity
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Expression for the magnitude and Direction of Relative velocity
Friday 19-Jan-18 Relative accelerations
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Problems on above topic
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Test
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Expression for5 velocity and position of a particle executing SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Nature of S.H.M. And Amplitude of S.H.M.
28-Jan-18 Periodic Motion and Frequency
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Problems on above topic
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Newton’s Laws of Motion
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc VI Sem.
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Mass,Momentum and Force
Friday 02-Feb-18 Units of force,Gravitational units of force
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Problems
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Problems
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Pressure of a body resting on a horizontal plane moving vertically upwards or downwards
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Problems
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Problems
Friday 09-Feb-18 Test
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Motion of a body connected be a string
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Motion on  a smooth horizontal plane
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Motion on a Rough Horizontal plane
Friday 16-Feb-18 Atwood’s Machine
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Problems
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Test
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Projectiles
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Motion of a Projectile
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Latus Rectum, Vertex, Focus, Directrix, Axis of the Trajectory of a Projectile
Friday 23-Feb-18 Time of Flight, Horizontal,Range AND Greatest Height of a Projectile
Saturday 24-Feb-18 To find the directions of projections for a given Horizontal Range
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Examples on above topic
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Problems
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc VI Sem.
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Velocity at any point of the Trajectory
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Examples
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Directions of Projection for a particle to the hit a given point
Friday 09-Mar-18 Range and Time of Flight on an inclined plane
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Maximum Range up the plane
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Directions of Projection for a given velocity and a given range
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Velocity when the particle strikes the plane
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Condition that the particle may strike the plane
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Range and Time of Flight down an Inclined Plane
Friday 16-Mar-18 Problems
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Problems
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Central Orbit
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Differential equation of central orbit
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Areal velocity
Friday 23-Mar-18 Elliptic Orbit
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Hyperbolic Orbit
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Hyperbolic Orbit (Focus as the centre of force)
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Velocity in a circle
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 To determine the orbirt when the law of central force is given
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Problems
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Problems
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:B.Sc VI Sem.
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Test
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Apse and Apsidal distances
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Velocity from infinity
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Problems
Friday 06-Apr-18 Kepler’s laws of Planetary motion
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Motion under the Inverse Square law
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Problems
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Problems
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Problems
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Problems
Friday 13-Apr-18 Problems
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 PRE-UNIVERSITY EXAMS
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject:Linear Algebra
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Basic definitions of vector spaces and its propeties
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Examples of vectoe spaces
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Some problems related to properties of vector spaces
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Subspaces of vector spaces and some theromes related to vector subspaces
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Some theorems related to vector subspaces
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Some problems related to properties of subspaces
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Vector spaces and Basis and Dimension
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Linear sum of subspaces with theroms and its solution
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Linear combination of vector and linear dependences and independent vectors
Friday 12-Jan-18 Some examples and problems
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Linear span ,finitely generated vector space with theorem
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Examples on linear span,basis vector spaces,ordered basis coordination vector relative to basis
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Theorems on basis,maximal linearly independent set
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Basis and Dimension and Quotient space
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Theorems,dimension of Quotient space
Friday 19-Jan-18 Theorms,examples and problems on Quotient space
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Test and problems related to first three chapters
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Linear transformation ,definations,theroem and properties
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Examples and problems on one  ontofunctions
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Determination of linear transformation with examples and problems
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Null space or image space of transformation and therom
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Range space or image space of linear transformation and theroms
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject:Linear Algebra
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Examples and problems of chapter5
Friday 02-Feb-18 Matrix of linear transformation relative to ordered basis with examples
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Notation of coordinate vector and realted examples
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Matrices of identity and zero transformation with problems
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Change of basis with Examples and exercise
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Sum of linear transformation and theorems
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Theorems on last same topices
Friday 09-Feb-18 Examples and problems to given topices
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Vector space all linear  transformation and related theroem
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Solved examples on dual spaces
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Bidual or double dual of vector spaces and theroms
Friday 16-Feb-18 Annihilator and theroms on annihilator
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Annihilator and theroms on annihilator,and problems
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Test of chapter 4and6
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Presentation of first unit
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Eigen values and Eigen vector of linear transformation
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Eigen spaces , some important theorems
Friday 23-Feb-18 Examples to find Eigen values and vectors
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Similar matrices and theroms
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Diagonalisation, Diagonalizable matrix and theroms
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Numerical examples
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject:Linear Algebra
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Introduction , inner product spaces with examples
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Properties of inner product  spaces  with examples
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Properties of inner product  spaces  with examples
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Norm of a vector, cauchy Scxhwarz inequality
Friday 09-Mar-18 triangle inequality and theorems
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Theorems and examples
11-Mar-18 Theorems and Normed linear space
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Orthogonal vectors and orthogonal complement
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Theorems related to Orthogonality
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 related examples to Orthogoality
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Examples on Orthogonality
Friday 16-Mar-18 Orthonormal set and theorem
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Bessel’s inequality and theorem
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Test of chapter 7 and 8
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Discussion of test and related problems
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Theorems on Bessels inequality
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Gram Schmidt Orthonoramlization process(theorem)
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Examples on gram Schmidt Orthonoramlization process
25-Mar-18 Some important theorems
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Some important theorems
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 remaining theorems and examples
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Exercise based on whole chapter
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Exercise based on whole chapter
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Test of half chapter ao inner product space
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms.Mamta
Class and Section: B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject:Linear Algebra
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Introduction of operators adjoint operators, self adjoint operators, some important concepts
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Friday 06-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Some theorems on linear operators
Thursday 12-Apr-18 examples on linear operators
Friday 13-Apr-18 Test of full chapter 10
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Problems discussion of test
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Presentation of question related to inner product space
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Problems on linear operator
Friday 20-Apr-18 Exercise questions of linear operator
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Exercise questions of linear operator
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Test of chapter11
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Problems related to whole chapter
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Problems related to whole chapter
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Revision of first two chapters
Friday 27-Apr-18 Revision of chapters 3 and 4
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Revision of chapters5,6 and 7
Revision of chapters 8 ,9,10 and 11
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:M.Sc (MATHEMATICS) II Sem.
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Sub modules of free modules of finite rank over a PID
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Test
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Revision
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Revision
Friday 09-Mar-18 Endomorphism Ring of a Finite direct sum of modules
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Finitely Generated modules
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Test
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Ascending and Descending Chains of submodule of an R-module
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Ascending and descending change conditions
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Revision
Friday 16-Mar-18 Revision
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Test
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Noetherian modules
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Noetherian rings
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Finitely Cogenerated modules
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Revision
Friday 23-Mar-18 Revision
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Test
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Artinian modules
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Artinian rings
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Nil and nilpotent Ideals
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Revision
Friday 30-Mar-18 Test
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Hilbert basis theorem
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Mamta
Class and Section:M.Sc (MATHEMATICS) II Sem.
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Hilbert basis theorem
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Hilbert basis theorem
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Structure theorem of finite booleanrings
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Wedeerbwin-Artin Theorem and its consequences
Friday 06-Apr-18 Wedeerbwin-Artin Theorem and its consequences
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Revision
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Test
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 13-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 PRE-UNIVERSITY EXAMS
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Sequence and Series
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introduction to set theory
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Definition of bounded above and bounded below set
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Definition  of greatest and least element and exanples
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Definitipn of Least upper bound and examples
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Definition of greatest lower bound and examples
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Theorem of LUB
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Theorem of GLB
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Completeness axioms theorem
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Archimedan property of reals
Friday 12-Jan-18 Related Theorem
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Examples1 to 3
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Examples 4
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Theorem set of rational number is not order complete.
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Theorem on bounded subsets
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Example 7 and Exercise 1.1
Friday 19-Jan-18 Neighbourhood of a point Definition and examples
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Definition of deleted Nbd.
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Theorem on Nbd.
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Definition of interior point and open set and examples
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Theorem on open set
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Theorem on interior points
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Theorem 1.17.5 to 1.17.8
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Sequence and Series
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Definition of closed sets and  examples
Friday 02-Feb-18 Theorem on closed sets
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Example 1 to 4
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Example 5 to 7
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Exercise 1.2 discussion
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Definition of limit point with examples
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Some definition
Friday 09-Feb-18 Definition of closure of set
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Some related theorem on closure of set
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Bolzano weierstrass theorem
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Heine Borel theorem and definitions
Friday 16-Feb-18 Test
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Sequence ,convergent sequence definition and theorem
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18  Definition of divergent ,oscillatory ,null sequence and examples
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Examples in topics
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Basic theorem on limits
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Definition of limit point, types of sequence
Friday 23-Feb-18 Examples and Cauchy first theorem
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Cauchy second theorem and examples
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Subsequence definition and some theorems
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Test
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Sequence and Series
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Infinite series and examples
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Cauchy general principle of convergence
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 General test definition
Thursday 08-Mar-18 p-series test with examples
Friday 09-Mar-18 D Alembert Ratio test with examples
Saturday 10-Mar-18 cauchy root test with examples
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Rabbes test with examples
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Logarithmic test with examples
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 De Morgan and Bertrand test
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Examples
Friday 16-Mar-18 Gauss test and examples
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Cauchy test with examples
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Cauchy integration  test with examples
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Cauchy condenstion test with examples
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 problems discussion
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Revision of test
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Conduct test
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Introduction of chapter and illustrations
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Definition of Alternating series ,Leibnitz test
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Examples on convergence of series
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 definition of absolute ,conditional convergence with examples
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Theorems
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Sequence and Series
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Examples on convergence of series
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Examples on absolute convergence of series
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 problems discussion
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Introduction to arbitraryseries ,ABEL’S lemma
Friday 06-Apr-18 Abels test
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Dirichelt’s test
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Examples 1 to 3
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Examples 4 to 7
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Insertion and removal of parenthesis
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Examples
Friday 13-Apr-18 Infinite products ,convergence of infinite products
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Convergence of infinite products and examples
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Com. II Sem
Subject: Elements of Business Mathematics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Factorial examples
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Examples 5 to 8
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Exercise 1.1
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Fundamental principle of counting
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Exercise 1.2
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Definition of permutation , Theorem
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Solved examples
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Exercise 1.3
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Practical problem on permutation 1 to 6
Friday 12-Jan-18 examples 7 to 12
Saturday 13-Jan-18 exercise 1.4
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 permutation with repetition examples exercise 1.4
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 examples 5 to 8
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Exercise 1.5
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Circular permutation questions
Friday 19-Jan-18 Theorem on combination
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Examples 1 to 6
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Examples 7 to 12 ,exercise 1.7
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Practical problem combination 1 to 6
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Examples 7 to 12
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Division in to groups
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Binomial theorem statement and particular cases
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Com. II Sem
Subject: Elements of Business Mathematics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 test
Friday 02-Feb-18 Examples 1 to 4
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Examples 5 to 9
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 General term , middle term,determination of a particular term from end
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Examples 1 to 5
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Examples 6 to 11
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Examples 12 to 17
Friday 09-Feb-18 Examples 18 to 21
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Exercise 2.2
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Binomial coefficients with examples 1 to 3
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Example 4 , 5 exercise 2.3
Friday 16-Feb-18 Binomial theorem for any index
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Examples
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 application of Binomial theorem examples
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 test
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Basic concept on linear inequality
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Exercise 3.1
Friday 23-Feb-18 Exercise 3.2 examples 1 to5
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Examples 6 to 8
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Exercise problems
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Introduction to linear programming
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Com. II Sem
Subject: Elements of Business Mathematics
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 test
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Examples on linear programming
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Exercise problem
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Test
Friday 09-Mar-18 Solution of linear pragramming
Saturday 10-Mar-18 examples 7 to 12
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Practical problem on linear programming
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Example 1 to 6
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Example 7 to 15
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Example 16 ,17
Friday 16-Mar-18 Test
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Data introduction ,types,collection of data
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Merits and demerits of Questionnaire
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Editing of data,Objective of classification
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Methods of classifications
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Different ways of classifications
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Some definitons and terms
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Solved examples
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Tabulation of data
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Parts of statistical data
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Types of data and examples
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Diagrammatic representation of data intro and definition
31-Mar-18 Examples
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Pooja
Class and Section: B.Com. II Sem
Subject: Elements of Business Mathematics
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Pie charts ,Pictograph examples
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Exercise problem
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 test
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Graphical representation of data basic concepts
Friday 06-Apr-18 Examples 1 to 5
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Types of charts
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Examples up to 10
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Frequency polygon examplrs
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Intro. To data interpertation examples 1 to 4
Thursday 12-Apr-18 examples 5 to 7
Friday 13-Apr-18 Examples 8 to 10
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Introduction of pictograph examples
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-University Exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathmatics(Special functions and Integral Transforms)
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Laplace Transformation
Tuesday 02-Jan-18                                  Laplace transformation of some elementary function
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Examples on Laplace Transformation
Thursday 04-Jan-18 (!).First Shifting property(2)Results obtained by first shifting property(3)Change of scale property
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 First shifting property-Examples
07-Jan-18 Piece-wise continuity of a function in an interval and second shifting property
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Second shifting property-Examples
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Laplace transformation of Derivatives (2)effect of Multiplication of f(t) by t in finding Laplace Transform (3)Effect  of Division of f(t) by t in finding Laplace Transform
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Examples
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Laplace Transform of Periodic Function
Friday 12-Jan-18 Laplace transform of Integrals
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Laplace Transform of integrals-Examples
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Laplace Transform of some important function
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Laplace transform of some important function-Examples
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 (1)Examples (2)Problems
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Inverse Laplace transforms
Friday 19-Jan-18 Inverse Laplace transforms-Examples
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Inverse Laplace transforms-Examples
21-Jan-18 Other methods to find Inverse Laplace Transform
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Other methods to find Inverse Laplace Transform-Examples
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Other methods to find inverse Laplace Transform
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 convolution Theorem
Friday 26-Jan-18 convolution Theorem-Examples
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Revision
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Revision
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Test
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathmatics(Special functions and Integral Transforms)
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Integral equations
Friday 02-Feb-18 Examples on Laplace Transforms in Integral Equations
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Solution of Linear D.E. with constant coefficients
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Solution of Linear D.E. with variable coefficients
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equation with constant coefficent
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Problems
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Infinite Fourier transform
Friday 09-Feb-18 Fourier sine Transform
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Fourier cosine Transform
11-Feb-18 Properties of fourier transforms
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Change of scale Properties
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 (1)Shifting Property (2)Modulation property
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Examples on Fourier sine and cosine Transforms
Friday 16-Feb-18 Examples on Fourier sine and cosine Transforms
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Examples based on the use of Inverse transforms
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Examples based on the use of Inverse transforms
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 (1)Convolution Theorem (2) Fourier Transform of the Derivative
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Relation between Fourier and Laplace Transform
Thursday 22-Feb-18 (1) Parseval’s Identities(2) Examples
Friday 23-Feb-18 finite fourier sine and cosine Transform
Saturday 24-Feb-18
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18
Tuesday 27-Feb-18
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathmatics(Special functions and Integral Transforms)
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Solution of differtial equation by fourier Transforms (2)Examples
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Power Series
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Operation on Power Series
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Analytic Functions(2) Ordinary and Singular points of differential equations
Friday 09-Mar-18 Power series solution
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Power Series solution-Examples
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Frobenius Mthod
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Indicial Equations and Power Series Solutions
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Power Series Solutions
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Power Series Solutions
Friday 16-Mar-18 Examples and Problems
Saturday 17-Mar-18 beta and gamma Function
18-Mar-18 Bessel’s Equation and its solution
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Bessel’s function
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Deduction of Bessel’s function in the form of series
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Recurrence Relations for bessel’s function
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Recurrence Relations for bessel’s function-examples
Friday 23-Mar-18 Recurrence Relations for bessel’s-examples
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Generation function for Jn(x) in integral
25-Mar-18 Representation of Jn(x) in Integral
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Jacobi’s series (2) Examples
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Solution of Legendre’s Equation and Legendre’s Polynomial
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Rodrigue’s Formula and Derivation of Legendre’s Polynomial from rodrigue’s Formula
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Generating Function for Pn(x)
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Examples on Legendre’s Polynomial
31-Mar-18 Recurrence Relations and Orthogonality of Legendre olynomial
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathmatics(Special functions and Integral Transforms)
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18  Solution of Hermite’s Equation and Hermite’s Polynomial
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Generation function for Hermite’s Polynomial
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Rodrigue’s formula for Hn(x)
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Recurrence Relations and Examples on Recurrence Relations
Friday 06-Apr-18 Examples on Hermite’s Polynomial
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Problems
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 13-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 20-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Revision
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Revision
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Revision
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Revision
Friday 27-Apr-18 Revision
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Revision
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section:B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathematics(Number Theory)
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Few results and theorem on divisibility
Tuesday 02-Jan-18                                              Division algorithm
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Few questions and theorem on divisibility and algorithm
Thursday 04-Jan-18 GCD and LCM(some theorem)
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Question based on GCD and LCM
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Introduction to different types of number
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Euclid’s first and second theorem
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
Thursday 11-Jan-18 congruences and theorem based on congruences
Friday 12-Jan-18 question based on congruences and theorem based on congruences
Saturday 13-Jan-18 question based on congruences and theorem based on congruences
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 question based on congruences and theorem based on congruences
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Assignment
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Linear congruences and theorems
Thursday 18-Jan-18 question based on linear congruences and theorems
Friday 19-Jan-18 question based on linear congruences and theorems
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Linear Diophantine equations
21-Jan-18 Question based on linear diophantine equations
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Question based on linear diophantine equations
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Assignment
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Fermat’s theorem
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 question based on Fermat’s theorem
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Wilson’s theorem
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Assignment
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section:B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathematics(Number Theory)
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Revision of section 1
Friday 02-Feb-18 Discussion of assignment of section 1
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Discussion of assignment of section 1
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Test of section 1
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Introduction to euler’s function and some theorems
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Residue and least residue
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Complete and reduced residue system
Friday 09-Feb-18 Question based on complete and reduced residue system
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Euler’s generalization of Fermat’s theorem
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 De Plignac’s formula
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Function d(n) and (n) and question based on theorem
Friday 16-Feb-18 Moebuus function and Moebius inversion formula
Saturday 17-Feb-18 question based on moebius function and Moebius inversion formula
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Legendre symbol
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Properties of Legendre symbol
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Lemma of gauss
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Question based on Lemma of Gauss
Friday 23-Feb-18 Gauss reciprocity law
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Question based on Gauss reciprocity law
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Assignmet
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Revision of section 2
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Revision of section 2
Discussion of assignment of section 2
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section:B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathematics(Number Theory)
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Discussion of assignment of section 2
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Discussion of assignment of section 2
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Test of section 2
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Assignment
Friday 09-Mar-18 De Moivre’s Theorem
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Question based on De Moivre’s Theorem
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Roots of complex number
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Solution of equation
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Expansion of tan0
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Formation of equations
Friday 16-Mar-18 Expansion of sin n0 and cos n0
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Exponential function of a complex variable and its properties
18-Mar-18 circular function of complex variable
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Periodicity of ciruclar function
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Trigonometric formula for complex quantities
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Question based on cirucular function
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Hyperbolic function and its periodicity
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Relation between hyperbolic and circular functions
25-Mar-18 question based on hyperbolic function
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Separation into real and imaginary parts of circular and hyperbolic
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Revision of section3
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Revision of section3
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Discussion of assignment of section3
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Tutorial
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section:B.Sc. II Semester
Subject:Mathematics(Number Theory)
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Assignment
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Logarithm of a complex quantities and its law
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 general log and exponential function
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Inverse circular function
Friday 06-Apr-18 Question based on Inverse circular
Saturday 07-Apr-18 General values and principal value
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Relation between inverse functions
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Inverse hyperbolic function
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 General values and principal value
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Gregory’s series and is another form
Friday 13-Apr-18 Series of sines and cosined of angles which are in A.P.
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Method of differences
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 c+I S Method of summation
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Summation of trigonometry series
Friday 20-Apr-18 Revision of section4
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Revieion of section4
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Discussion of assignment of section4
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Discussion of assignment of section4
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Test of section4
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Revision of section 1 and 2
Friday 27-Apr-18 test of full syllabus
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Tutorial
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc IV Semester
Subject: Real and Cmplex Analysis
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Defination of Jacobian,chain rule & theroms
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Examples
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Problems
Thursday 04-Jan-18 Functional Dependence (Non Dependence),Examples
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Problems
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 Revision
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 Test
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Defination &Properties of Beta Function
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Examples
Friday 12-Jan-18 Gamma Function,Recurrance formula , relation between Beta and Gamma function
Saturday 13-Jan-18 Examples
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 Dupliction formula and Examples
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Problems
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Discussion
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Double integral
Friday 19-Jan-18 Examples
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Problems
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Triple integral
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Examples
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Problems
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Test
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Appliction of Double &Triple integral with Examples
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc IV Semester
Subject: Real and Cmplex Analysis
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Dirichlet,s Integral , Liouvill’s Extension
Friday 02-Feb-18 Examples
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Change of order of integration with Examples
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Problems
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Revision
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Test
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Even,Odd&Periodic function with Examples,Trigonometric series,Piecewise Monotnic functions
Friday 09-Feb-18 Defination of Fourier series,determination of Fourier cofficient or Euler’s Formula
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Fourier series foreven &Odd functions
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Dirichet’s condtions ,Theorems
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Examples
Friday 16-Feb-18 Fourier expansion of functions having points of Discontinuity
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Revision
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Examples
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Revision
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Problems
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Change of interval,examples
Friday 23-Feb-18 Revision
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Half range series
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Examples
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Parseval’s identity for Fourier series
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc IV Semester
Subject: Real and Cmplex Analysis
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Revision
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Problems
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Revision
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Test
Friday 09-Mar-18 Explain Stereographi Projaction of Complex numbers
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Examples
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Defination of complex function &limit,continuty of complex functions
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Rule of Differention , Examples
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Problems
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Defination of Analytic function,CR equtions,Necessary condition of afunction to be analytic
Friday 16-Mar-18 Examples
Saturday 17-Mar-18        Sufficient condition for a function to be analytic,examples
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Cr eqution in polar form
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Defination of Harmonic functions,Theorems
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Examples
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Problems
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Applictions of analytic functions,Examples
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Problems
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Def.of Multivalued functions,Elementary functions, Exponential functions,Logarithmic functions
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Definition&propeties of Trigonometric functions Sinz&Cosz,Hyperbolic functions,Logarithmic function
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Examples
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Mappings:Translation,Rotation&Magnifiction
31-Mar-18 Mappings:Translation,Rotation&Magnifiction
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Ms. Anjula
Class and Section: B.Sc IV Semester
Subject: Real and Cmplex Analysis
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Examples
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Conformal mappings,Examples
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Linear Transformation,Mobious transformation,Critical Points,Fixed Points
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Examples
Friday 06-Apr-18 Discussion
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Cross Ratio,Invese points
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Examples
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Problems
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Test
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Critical mappings
Friday 13-Apr-18 Examples
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Problems
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Revision
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Test
Friday 20-Apr-18 Revision of unit 1
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Revision of unit 1
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Revision of unit 2
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Revision of unit 3
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Test
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Revision of unit 4
Friday 27-Apr-18 Revision of unit 4
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Test
Name of Associate Professor  :    Mrs. Rekha
Class :     BA VI Sem.
Subject : Health & Physical Education
Lesson Plan  :    18 Weeks (Wef Jan 2018 to April 2018)
1 Health & Phy. Edu. PE- 06 BA  VI Sem.     Jan 1 to Jan 25   (20 Days plan)   Working Days Unit-1: Concept of Motivation and Socialization Discussion Solutions to problems
2 —- do—– Jan 27 to Feb 22  ( 20 Days) Unit-11: Concept of Sports Training and Doping Extension Lecture Assignment      1 :Doping types and effect on sports performance
3 —- do—– Feb 23 to March 22 (20 Days) Unit-111: Concept of Biomechanics “Health & physical Education Awareness” Workshop
4 —- do—– March 24 to April 19  (20 Days) Unit-IV: Anatomy & Physiology of Digestive System “Quest” of SQ Unit I,II,III & IV Assignment    II : Structure of Digestion  system & its Mechanism
5 —- do—– April 20 to April 28 (Next – 8 days) Practicals Practical & Viva-Voice (A)    Sessional:  Exam on 21st April
Revision Problem Solving session (B)     Full Syllabus Exam on 23rd April
Name of Associate Professor  :    Mrs. Rekha
Class :     BA IV Sem.
Subject : Health & Physical Education
Lesson Plan  :    18 Weeks (Wef Jan 2018 to April 2018)
1 Health & Phy. Edu. PE- 04 BA  IV Sem.     Jan 1 to Jan 25   (20 Days plan)   (excluding Holidays) Unit-1: Warming up and cooling down Discussion Solutions to problems
2 —- do—– Jan 27 to Feb 22  ( 20 Days) Unit-11: Psychological Aspects of Physical Education Revision, Discussion, Solutions to problems Assignment      1 :Learning curve & Laws of Learning
3 —- do—– Feb 23 to March 22 (20 Days) Unit-111: Major Sports Events “Quest” to Full Syllabus Assignment    II :Structure of Respiratory Organs and Explain their physiology
4 —- do—– March 24 to April 19  (20 Days) Unit-IV: Anatomy & Physiology of Human body system Extension Lecture Define term
Tidal volume, Residual volume
5 —- do—– April 20 to April 28 (Next – 8 days) Practicals Practical & Viva-Voice (A)    Sessional:  Exam on 21st April
Revision Problem Solving session (B)     Full Syllabus Exam on 23rd April
Name of Associate Professor  :    Mrs. Rekha
Class :     BA II Sem.
Subject : Health & Physical Education
Lesson Plan  :    18 Weeks (Wef Jan 2018 to April 2018)
1 Health & Phy. Edu. PE- 02 BA  II  Sem.     Jan 1 to Jan 25   (20 Days plan)   (excluding Holidays) Unit-1: Introduciton to Health Eduction Discussion Solutions to problems
2 —- do—– Jan 27 to Feb 22  ( 20 Days) Unit-11: Historical Prospects of Physical Education Extension Lecture Assignment      1 :Role of IOA ,SAI, NIS & YMCA in the develop. Of Phy. Edu.
3 —- do—– Feb 23 to March 22 (20 Days) Unit-111: Introduction to Physical Fitness “Health & physical Education Awareness” Workshop Assignment    II :Pyhsical Fitness components & Princples of Phy. Fitness
4 —- do—– March 24 to April 19  (20 Days) Unit-IV: Introduciton to Human Anatomy & Physiology “Quest” of Phy Edu.
5 —- do—– April 20 to April 28 (Next – 8 days) Practicals Practical & Viva-Voice (A)    Sessional:  Exam on 21st April
Revision Problem Solving session (B)     Full Syllabus Exam on 23rd April
Class and Section:B.SC II Sem
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: DINESH
Class and Section:B.SC II Sem
Subject:Properties of Matters and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 Introduction about M.O.I.
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 Rotation of rigid body
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 Torque,Angular momentum
Thursday 04-Jan-18 kinetic energy of rotation
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 Theorem of perpendicular axis ,Parallel axis
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 M.O.I. of solid sphere
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 M.O.I. of hollow sphere
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 Spherical shell
Thursday 11-Jan-18 Solid cylinder
Friday 12-Jan-18 Hollow cylinder and solid bar of rectangular x-sec.
Saturday 13-Jan-18 flywheel
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 M.O.I.of irregular body
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 Accl. Of body rolling down an inclined plane
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 Unit Test of M.O.I.
Thursday 18-Jan-18 Introduction about Elasticity
Friday 19-Jan-18 Stress
Saturday 20-Jan-18 Strain
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 Hooks law
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 Elastic const. and their relations
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 Poissons ratio
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 Torsion of cylinder and twisting couple
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 Detrmination of G.of wire
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: DINESH
Class and Section:B.SC II Sem
Subject:Properties of Matters and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18 Bending of beam
Friday 02-Feb-18 Cantilever beam
Saturday 03-Feb-18 Centrally loaded beam
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 Determination of E.
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 Determination of elastic constants for the mat.by searls apparatus
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 Numerical problems
Thursday 08-Feb-18 Numerical problems
Friday 09-Feb-18 Unit test
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 Introduction about kinetic theory of gases-1
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 Assumptions
Thursday 15-Feb-18 Pressure of an ideal gas
Friday 16-Feb-18 Kinetic interpretation of temp.
Saturday 17-Feb-18 Numerical problems
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 Ideal gas equation
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 Degree of freedom
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 Law of equipartition of energy
Thursday 22-Feb-18 Application of sp. Heat
Friday 23-Feb-18 Real gases
Saturday 24-Feb-18 Vander walls equation
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 Brownian motion
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 Problems on few topics
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: DINESH
Class and Section:B.SC II Sem
Subject:Properties of Matters and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Unit test
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Introduction of kinetic theory of gases 2
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Maxwell s distribution of speed
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Max.distribution of velocities
Friday 09-Mar-18 Experimental verification of Maxwell s law
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Numericals on distribution.
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Most probable speed
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Average speed
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 R.M.S. Speed
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Mean free path
Friday 16-Mar-18 Transport of energy
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Transport of momentum
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Diffusion of gases
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Topic problems
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Numericals
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Unit test
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Flywheel problems
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Theory of gases
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Stress strain curve
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Type of beam
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Cantilever beam formation
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Degree of freedom numerical
31-Mar-18 Searls apparatus about different methods
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: DINESH
Class and Section:B.SC II Sem
Subject:Properties of Matters and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Types of load
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Specific heat ,latent heat
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Entropy ,Enthalpy
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Elastic contants
Friday 06-Apr-18 Type of modulus
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Torsional equation
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Torque accumulation
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Moment of inetia of regular body
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Moment of inetia of irregular body
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Bending equation
Friday 13-Apr-18 Deflection equation
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre University exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 do
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre University exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 do
Saturday 21-Apr-18 do
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre University exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 do
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 do
Thursday 26-Apr-18 do
Friday 27-Apr-18 do
Saturday 28-Apr-18 do
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Dinesh
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Wave Optics II
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Fourier transforms and properties
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Application of fourier transforms
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Application of fourier transforms for evaluation
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Application for the solution of ordinary diff.equation
Friday 09-Mar-18 Solution for the function ex2/2
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Solution for the functionality (X)>a
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 F(x)=(x)<a
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Introduction about geometrical optics 1
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Matrix method in paraxial optics
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Effect of translation
Friday 16-Mar-18 Effect of refraction through matrix
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Derivation of thin lens formula
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Derivation of thick lens formula
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 Unit plane description
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Description about nodel plane
Thursday 22-Mar-18 System of thin lenses
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Unit test
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Test for fourier transforms
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Introduction about geometrical optics 2
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Difference between geo.optics1 and geo.optics2
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Chromatic
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Spherical
31-Mar-18 Coma
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: Dinesh
Class and Section: B.Sc. IV Sem
Subject: Wave Optics II
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Astigmation
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Distortion aberrations
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Remedies about coma ,astigmation
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Introduction about fibre optics
Friday 06-Apr-18 Type of optical fibre
Saturday 07-Apr-18 Critical angle of propagation
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Mode of propagation and acceptance angle
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Fractional refractive index change
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Numerical aperture
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Types of optical fibre
Friday 13-Apr-18 Normalized frequency pulse dispersion
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Attenuation and application of optical fibre
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Communicational advantages of optical fibre
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: DINESH
Class and Section:B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject:Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 Introduction about vector model
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 Essential features of spectra of AL.earth elements
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 Vector model of two valence el.atom
Thursday 08-Mar-18 Coupling schemes
Friday 09-Mar-18 j-j coupling
Saturday 10-Mar-18 Interaction energy in L-s coupling
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 Lande interval rule
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 Periodic classification  of the elements
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 Interaction energy in j-j coupling
Thursday 15-Mar-18 Equivalent and non equivalent electrons
Friday 16-Mar-18 Two valence electron system
Saturday 17-Mar-18 Two valence electron system of equivalent electrons
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 Two valence electron system for non equivalent electrons
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 equivalent electrons
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 Comparison of spectral terms
Thursday 22-Mar-18 Hyperfine structure of sp-lines
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 Origin of hypperfine structure
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 Nuclear spin
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 Problems for unit
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 Unit test
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 Atom in external field
Saturday 31-Mar-18 Zeemer effect
31-Mar-18 Explanation of normal Zeeman effect
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professor: DINESH
Class and Section:B.Sc. VI Sem
Subject:Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 Explanation of normal Zeeman effect to interelated anomolous effect
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 Zeemen pattern of D1 and D2 lines of Na atom
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 Pattern-Back effect of a single valance el. System
Thursday 05-Apr-18 Weak field striker effect of Hydrogen atom
Friday 06-Apr-18 Introduction about Molecular physics
Saturday 07-Apr-18 General consideration on molecular physics
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 Electronic states of diaatomic molecule
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 Rotational spectra(for IR and Microwave region)
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 Vibrational Spectra(IR region)
Thursday 12-Apr-18 Rotator Model of Diaatomic molecule
Friday 13-Apr-18 Raman effect,Electronic spectra
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Friday 20-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Saturday 21-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Thursday 26-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Friday 27-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Saturday 28-Apr-18 Pre-university exam
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professer Harish Kumar
Class and Section:  BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Monday 01-Jan-18 fadaralism – indian federalism
Tuesday 02-Jan-18 fadaralism – indian federalism
Wednesday 03-Jan-18 its working with referance to centre -state realtion
Thursday 04-Jan-18 its working with referance to centre -state realtion
Friday 05-Jan-18 Guru Govind Singh Birthday
Saturday 06-Jan-18 its working with referance to centre -state realtion
07-Jan-18 Sunday
2 Monday 08-Jan-18 its working with referance to centre -state realtion
Tuesday 09-Jan-18 its working with referance to centre -state realtion
Wednesday 10-Jan-18 demand for state autonomy
Thursday 11-Jan-18 demand for state autonomy
Friday 12-Jan-18 demand for state autonomy
Saturday 13-Jan-18 demand for state autonomy
14-Jan-18 Sunday
3 Monday 15-Jan-18 demand for state autonomy
Tuesday 16-Jan-18 emerging trends in indian federalism
Wednesday 17-Jan-18 emerging trends in indian federalism
Thursday 18-Jan-18 emerging trends in indian federalism
Friday 19-Jan-18 emerging trends in indian federalism
Saturday 20-Jan-18 emerging trends in indian federalism
21-Jan-18 Sunday
4 Monday 22-Jan-18 Vasant Panchami
Tuesday 23-Jan-18 election commission
Wednesday 24-Jan-18 Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
Thursday 25-Jan-18 election commission
Friday 26-Jan-18 Republic Day
Saturday 27-Jan-18 election commission
28-Jan-18 Sunday
5 Monday 29-Jan-18 election commission
Tuesday 30-Jan-18 electroal process and its defects and voting behaviour
Wednesday 31-Jan-18 Guru Ravidas jayanti
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professer Harish Kumar
Class and Section:  BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Feb-18
Friday 02-Feb-18 electroal process and its defects and voting behaviour
Saturday 03-Feb-18 electroal process and its defects and voting behaviour
04-Feb-18 Sunday
Monday 05-Feb-18 electroal process and its defects and voting behaviour
2 Tuesday 06-Feb-18 electroal process and its defects and voting behaviour
Wednesday 07-Feb-18 electroal reforms,problem of defection
Thursday 08-Feb-18 electroal reforms,problem of defection
Friday 09-Feb-18 electroal reforms,problem of defection
Saturday 10-Feb-18 Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Feb-18 electroal reforms,problem of defection
Tuesday 13-Feb-18 Maha Shivratri
Wednesday 14-Feb-18 party system in india
Thursday 15-Feb-18 national and regional political parties in india
Friday 16-Feb-18 national and regional political parties in india
Saturday 17-Feb-18 national and regional political parties in india
18-Feb-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Feb-18 national and regional political parties in india
Tuesday 20-Feb-18 national and regional political parties in india
Wednesday 21-Feb-18 national and regional political parties in india
Thursday 22-Feb-18 interest and pressure groups
Friday 23-Feb-18 interest and pressure groups
Saturday 24-Feb-18 interest and pressure groups
25-Feb-18 Sunday
5 Monday 26-Feb-18 interest and pressure groups
Tuesday 27-Feb-18 interest and pressure groups
Wednesday 28-Feb-18 KUK Holidays
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professer Harish Kumar
Class and Section:  BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 Thursday 01-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Guru Ravidas Birthday
Friday 02-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Holi
Saturday 03-Mar-18 KUK Holidays
04-Mar-18 KUK Holidays/Sunday
2 Monday 05-Mar-18 interest and pressure groups
Tuesday 06-Mar-18 interest and pressure groups
Wednesday 07-Mar-18 interest and pressure groups
Thursday 08-Mar-18 role of caste in india
Friday 09-Mar-18 role of caste in india
Saturday 10-Mar-18 role of caste in india
11-Mar-18 Sunday
3 Monday 12-Mar-18 role of caste in india
Tuesday 13-Mar-18 role of caste in india
Wednesday 14-Mar-18 role of caste in india
Thursday 15-Mar-18 religion and indian politics
Friday 16-Mar-18 religion and indian politics
Saturday 17-Mar-18 religion and indian politics
18-Mar-18 Sunday
4 Monday 19-Mar-18 religion and indian politics
Tuesday 20-Mar-18 religion and indian politics
Wednesday 21-Mar-18 regionalism and indian politics
Thursday 22-Mar-18 regionalism and indian politics
Friday 23-Mar-18 Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
Saturday 24-Mar-18 regionalism and indian politics
25-Mar-18 Sunday/  Ram Navami
5 Monday 26-Mar-18 regionalism and indian politics
Tuesday 27-Mar-18 regionalism and indian politics
Wednesday 28-Mar-18 regionalism and indian politics
Thursday 29-Mar-18 Mahavir Jayanti
Friday 30-Mar-18 politics of reservation
Saturday 31-Mar-18 politics of reservation
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant/ Associate Professer Harish Kumar
Class and Section:  BA II SEM
Week Days Date Topics
1 01-Apr-18 Sunday
Monday 02-Apr-18 politics of reservation
Tuesday 03-Apr-18 politics of reservation
Wednesday 04-Apr-18 politics of reservation
Thursday 05-Apr-18 politics of reservation
Friday 06-Apr-18 politics of reservation
Saturday 07-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
08-Apr-18 Sunday
2 Monday 09-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
Tuesday 10-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
Wednesday 11-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
Thursday 12-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
Friday 13-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
Saturday 14-Apr-18 Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 Sunday
3 Monday 16-Apr-18 emerging trends and challenges before indian politics
Tuesday 17-Apr-18 pre university test
Wednesday 18-Apr-18 Parashurama Jayanti
Thursday 19-Apr-18 pre university test
Friday 20-Apr-18 pre university test
Saturday 21-Apr-18 pre university test
22-Apr-18 Sunday
4 Monday 23-Apr-18 pre university test
Tuesday 24-Apr-18 pre university test
Wednesday 25-Apr-18 pre university test
Thursday 26-Apr-18 pre university test
Friday 27-Apr-18 pre university test
Saturday 28-Apr-18 pre university test
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant /Associate Professor   Mr. Ashok
Class and Semester :  B.A 2nd year, Semester IV (option 2)
Subject   Political Science
 Lesson Plan: 18 weeks(form Jan 2018 to April 2018)
Week 1
Chapter 1: Jaya prakash narayan
Week 1,day 1, Date 1.1.18 Life -sketch of Jayaprakash
Week 1,day 2, Date 2.1.18 Political thoughts of Jaya prakash narayan
Week 1,day 3, Date 3.1.18 Jaya prakash narayan views on socialism
Week 1,day 4, Date 4.1.18
Week 1,day 5, Date 5.1.18
Week 1,day 6, Date 6.1.18
Week 2
Week 2,day 1, Date 8.1.18 Jaya prakash naryana and sarvodaya
Week 2,day 2, Date 9.1.18 Jaya prakash narayan,s thesis of partyless democracy
Week 2,day 3, Date 10.1.18 Objectives of total revolution, Contribution of Jaya prakash narayan
Week 2,day 4, Date 11.1.18
Week 2,day 5, Date 12.1.18
Week 2,day 6, Date 13.1.18
Week 3
Chapter 2:Rammanohar lohia
Week 3,day 1, Date 15. 1.18 Life sketch
Week 3,day 2, Date 16.1.18      Social views of Rammanohar lohia
Week 3,day 3, Date 17.1.18 Political views of Rammanohar lohia
Week 3,day 4, Date 18.1.18
Week 3,day 5, Date 19.1.18
Week 3,day 6, Date 20.1.18
Week 4
Assignments Assignment to be given to Students
Week 4,day 1, Date 22.1.18 holiday
Week 4,day 2, Date 23.1.18 Lohia’s views on Democracy
Week 4,day 3, Date 24.1.18 Conclusion, contribution and revision of chapter
Week 4,day 4, Date 25.1.18
Week 4,day 5, Date 26.1.18 Republic day
Week 4,day 6, Date 27.1.18
Week  5
Chapter 3:Mahatma Gandhi
Week 5,day 1, Date 29.1.18 Life-sketch of Gandhi ji
Week 5,day 2, Date 30.1.18 political Ideas of Gandhi’s, Satyagraha & non-violence
Week 5,day 3, Date 31.1.18  Holiday
Week 5,day 4, Date 1.2.18
Week 5,day 5, Date 2.2.18
Week 5,day 6, Date 3.2.18
Week 6
Week 6,day 1, Date 5.2.18 Gandhi ji’s Ideal State, views on Religion, simple economic views
Week 6,day 2, Date 6.2.18 Similarities & Dis-similarities between Gandhism & Communism
Week 6,day 3, Date 7.2.18 Gandhi ji’s contribution to Indian political thoughts
Week 6,day 4, Date 8.2.18
Week 6,day 5, Date 9.2.18
Week 6,day 6, Date 10.2.18 holiday
Week 7
Chapter: 4 Manvender Nath Roy
Week 7,day 1, Date 12.2.18 Biography/Life sketch of M.N. Roy
Week 7,day 2, Date 13.2.18 Political Ideas of M.N. Roy, His views on Marxism with points of agreement & points of disagreements with Marxist Philosophy
Week 7,day 3, Date 14.2.18 holiday
Week 7,day 4, Date 15.2.18
Week 7,day 5, Date 16.2.18
Week 7,day 6, Date 17.2.18
Week 8
Week 8,day 1, Date 19.2..18 Roy and Gandism, Roy & Nationalism, Roy’s Economic views
Week 8,day 2, Date 20.2.18 Criticism of Parliamentary Democracy by M.N. Roy,Radical Humanism
Week 8,day 3, Date 21.2.18 New Humanism, its characteristics & criticism
Week 8,day 4, Date 22.2.18
Week 8,day 5, Date 23.2.18
Week 8,day 6, Date 24.2.18
Week 9
Chapter :5 Jawahar Lal Nehru
Week 9,day 1, Date 26.2.18 Life sketch/Biograpy of Jawahar Lal Nehru
Week 9,day 2, Date 27.2.18  Political Ideas of Nehru
Week 9,day 3, Date 28.2.18 Winter  vacations
Week 9,day 4, Date 1.3.18 Winter  vacations
Week 9,day 5, Date 2.3.18 Winter  vacations
Week 9,day 6, Date 3.3.18 Winter  vacations
Week 10
Week 10,day 1, Date 5.3.18 Nehru’s views on Nationalism
Week 10,day 2, Date 6.3.18  Nehru’s Ideas on Democracy
Week 10,day 3, Date 7.3.18 Nehru’s views on Humanism, Religion & Contribution
Week 10,day 4, Date 8.3.18
Week 10,day 5, Date 9.3.18
Week 10,day 6, Date 10.3.1
Week 11
Chapter :6 Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar .
Week 11,day 1, Date 12.3.18 Introduction, Political views of Dr. Ambedkar
Week 11,day 2, Date 13.3.18 Social views of Dr. Ambedkar
Week 11,day 3, Date 14.3.18 Role in the Formation of Indian Constitution
Week 11,day 4, Date 15.3.18
Week 11,day 5, Date 16.3.18
Week 11,day 6, Date 17.3.18
Week 12
Week 12,day 1, Date 19.3.18 Contribution of Dr. Ambedkar
Week 12,day 2, Date 20.3.18 Assignment
Week 12,day 3, Date 21.3.18 Test
Week 12,day 4, Date 22.3.18
Week 12,day 5, Date 23.3.18 holiday
Week 12,day 6, Date 24.3.18
Week 13
Chapter :7
Subhash Chandra Bose
Week 13,day 1, Date 26.3.18
Introduction/Biography of Subhash Chandra Bose
Week 13,day 2, Date 27.3.18 Political views of Subhash Chander Bose
Week 13,day 3, Date 28.3.18 Forward Block ,party programme
Week 13,day 4, Date 29.3.18 holiday
Week 13,day 5, Date 30.3.18 holiday
Week 13,day 6, Date 31.3.18
Week 14
Week 14,day 1, Date 2.4.18 Indian National Army, fascist & nazi help
Week 14,day 2, Date 3.4.18 Contribution and conclusion of chapter 7
Week 14,day 3, Date 4.4.18 Test
Week 14,day 4, Date 5.4.18
Week 14,day 5, Date 6.4.18
Week 14,day 6, Date 7.4.18
Week 15
Chapter 8 : Bhagat Singh
Week 15,day 1, Date 9.4.18 Life sketch of Bhagat Singh
Week 15,day 2, Date 10.4.18 Social views
Week 15,day 3, Date 11.4.18 Social views
Week 15,day 4, Date 12.4.18
Week 15,day 5, Date 13.4.18
Week 15,day 6, Date 14.4.18 holiday
Week 16
   Week 16,day 1, Date 16.4.18 Political views of Bhagat Singh
Week 16,day 2, Date 17.4.18 Political views of Bhagat Singh
Week 16,day 3, Date 18.4.18 holiday
Week 16,day 4, Date 19.4.18
Week 16,day 5, Date 20.4.18
Week 16,day 6, Date 21.4.18
Week 17
Revision and Problems
Week 17,day 1, Date 23.4.18
Week 17,day 2, Date 24.4.18
Week 17,day 3, Date 25.4.18
Week 17,day 4, Date 26.4.18
Week 17,day 5, Date 27.4.18
Week 17,day 6, Date 28.4.18
Lesson Plan
Name of the Assistant /Associate Professor   Mr. Ashok Kumar
Class and Semester :  B.A(final) year, Semester VI
Subject   Political science
 Lesson Plan: 18 weeks(from Jan 2018 to April 2018)
Week 1
Chapter 1: Evolution and legacies of the constitutions
Week 1,day 1, Date 1.1.18  Introduction, Sources of British constitution
Week 1,day 2, Date 2.1.18  Main features of the British political tradition
Week 1,day 3, Date 3.1.18 Constitutional evolution of USA, political tradition of USA
Week 1,day 4, Date 4.1.18
Week 1,day 5, Date 5.1.18
Week 1,day 6, Date 6.1.18
Week 2
Chapter 2: Conventions of the constitutions
Week 2,day 1, Date 8.1.18 Conventions of the constitutions
Chapter 3:Salient Features of The Constitutions
Week 2,day 2, Date 9.1.18 Introduction, features of the British Constitution, Salient features of the USA constitution
Week 2,day 3, Date 10.1.18 Procedure of Amendment in USA constitution
Week 2,day 4, Date 11.1.18
Week 2,day 5, Date 12.1.18
Week 2,day 6, Date 13.1.18
Week 3
Chapter 4:Socio-Economic Basis of the Constitutions
Week 3,day 1, Date 15. 1.18 Socio-Economic system of USA & UK
Chapter5: Executive: Comparative Study
Week 3,day 2, Date 16.1.18 Intro, meaning and definition of executive
Week 3,day 3, Date 17.1.18 Types of executive
Week 3,day 4, Date 18.1.18
Week 3,day 5, Date 19.1.18
Week 3,day 6, Date 20.1.18
Week 4
Chapter 6:Executive in England:Monarchy
Week 4,day 1, Date 22.1.18 holiday
Week 4,day 2, Date 23.1.18 Intro, provision for succession, king and crown
Week 4,day 3, Date 24.1.18 Power and function of  the crown, Justification of Monarcy
Week 4,day 4, Date 25.1.18
Week 4,day 5, Date 26.1.18 Republic day
Week 4,day 6, Date 27.1.18
Week  5
Week 5,day 1, Date 29.1.18 Position of the Monarch in British Political system
Week 5,day 2, Date 30.1.18 The king is not the fifth wheel of the coach
Week 5,day 3, Date 31.1.18 Holiday
Week 5,day 4, Date 1.2.18 Test
Week 5,day 5, Date 2.2.18
Week 5,day 6, Date 3.2.18
Week 6
Chapter 7: Executive in England: The Cabinet and The Prime minister
Week 6,day 1, Date 5.2.18 Intro, Development of the cabinet system in England, Features, organisation of the British cabinet
Week 6,day 2, Date 6.2.18 Power and function of the cabinate
Week 6,day 3, Date 7.2.18 The Prime minister, Relations between cabinet and Parliament in England.
Week 6,day 4, Date 8.2.18
Week 6,day 5, Date 9.2.18
Week 6,day 6, Date 10.2.18
Week 7
Chapter 8: Executive in America: The President of USA
Week 7,day 1, Date 12.2.18 Intro, Election of the President
Week 7,day 2, Date 13.2.18 Power and functions of the President, Comparison between American President and British Sovereign
Week 7,day 3, Date 14.2.18 H0liday
Week 7,day 4, Date 15.2.18
Week 7,day 5, Date 16.2.18
Week 7,day 6, Date 17.2.18
Week 8
Week 8,day 1, Date 19.2..18
Chapter 9:Legislature-Comparative study
Week 8,day 2, Date 20.2.18 Introduction to legislature
Week 8,day 3, Date 21.2.18 Merits and demerits of Bi-cameralism
Week 8,day 4, Date 22.2.18 Assignment
Week 8,day 5, Date 23.2.18
Week 8,day 6, Date 24.2.18
Week 9
Chapter 10:
Legislature in England: The British Parliament
Week 9,day 1, Date 26.2.18 Intro, functions, Powers & Utility of House of Lords
Week 9,day 2, Date 27.2.18 Functions and powers of the Speaker of House of common
Week 9,day 3, Date 28.2.18 Winter  vacations
Week 9,day 4, Date 1.3.18 Winter  vacations
Week 9,day 5, Date 2.3.18 Winter  vacations
Week 9,day 6, Date 3.3.18 Winter  vacations
Week 10
Chapter 11: Legislature in America: Congress
Week 10,day 1, Date 5.3.18 Intro, Power & function of House of Representatives
Week 10,day 2, Date 6.3.18 Comparison of Speakers of both the countries(USA & UK)
Week 10,day 3, Date 7.3.18 Power function and senate, Power and function of American Congress
Week 10,day 4, Date 8.3.18
Week 10,day 5, Date 9.3.18
Week 10,day 6, Date 10.3.1
Week 11
Chapter 12:Comparative Study of Judiciary in England & America .
Week 11,day 1, Date 12.3.18 Meaning, definition, function & salient features of the British Judiciary
Week 11,day 2, Date 13.3.18 Organisation of courts in England
Week 11,day 3, Date 14.3.18 Organisation of Federal Judiciary in America, Importance of Judicial review
Week 11,day 4, Date 15.3.18
Week 11,day 5, Date 16.3.18
Week 11,day 6, Date 17.3.18
Week 12
Chapter 13: Political parties-Comparative Study
Week 12,day 1, Date 19.3.18 Introduction, definition, Essential elements & formation of the political parties
Week 12,day 2, Date 20.3.18 Various types of Party system
Chapter 14: Political Parties in England & USA
Week 12,day 3, Date 21.3.18 Political parties and party system in England & USA
Week 12,day 4, Date 22.3.18
Week 12,day 5, Date 23.3.18 holiday
Week 12,day 6, Date 24.3.18
Week 13
Chapter 15: Pressure Groups in England & America
Week 13,day 1, Date 26.3.18 Role of pressure groups in England
Week 13,day 2, Date 27.3.18 Role of pressure groups in USA
Week 13,day 3, Date 28.3.18 Test
Week 13,day 4, Date 29.3.18 Holiday
Week 13,day 5, Date 30.3.18 Holiday
Week 13,day 6, Date 31.3.18
Week 14
Chapter 16: Electoral Process & Voting Behaviour: UK & USA
Week 14,day 1, Date 2.4.18 Meaning , definition & system of Representation
Week 14,day 2, Date 3.4.18 Constituencies, kinds of electoral system
Week 14,day 3, Date 4.4.18 Election commission of UK & USA
Week 14,day 4, Date 5.4.18
Week 14,day 5, Date 6.4.18
Week 14,day 6, Date 7.4.18
Week 15
Chapter 17: Bureaucracy : UK & USA
Week 15,day 1, Date 9.4.18 Introduction ,meaning, definition, characteristics of Bureaucracy
Week 15,day 2, Date 10.4.18 Max Waber’s theory of bureaucracy
Week 15,day 3, Date 11.4.18 Bureaucracy in UK & USA
Week 15,day 4, Date 12.4.18
Week 15,day 5, Date 13.4.18
Week 15,day 6, Date 14.4.18 Holiday
Week 16
Chapter 18: Recent Trends : UK & USA
Week 16,day 1, Date 16.4.18 Emerging Recent trends in political system of UK
Week 16,day 2, Date 17.4.18 Emerging Recent trends in political system of USA
Week 16,day 3, Date 18.4.18 Assignments
Week 16,day 4, Date 19.4.18
Week 16,day 5, Date 20.4.18
Week 16,day 6, Date 21.4.18
Week 17
Revision and Problems
Week 17,day 1, Date 23.4.18 Difficulties and problems of Unit 1 & 2
Week 17,day 2, Date 24.4.18 Difficulties and problems of Unit 1 & 2
Week 17,day 3, Date 25.4.18 Revision and Problems taken for unit 3&4
Week 17,day 4, Date 26.4.18 Revision and Problems taken for unit 3&4
Week 17,day 5, Date 27.4.18
Week 17,day 6, Date 28.4.18